Angry Boy Pedro, a spirited character created by the Charming Agency, captures the attention of players with his fiery animations and bold personality. Teaming up with his friends, Pedro embarks on wild adventures filled with challenges that test both wit and courage. Each level introduces unique obstacles, encouraging players to strategize and work together to conquer them all. The vibrant graphics and engaging gameplay keep players hooked as they explore Pedro’s world. Codes from the publisher unlock exciting rewards, enhancing the gaming experience and motivating players to continue their quest. Join Angry Boy Pedro and his friends to discover the magic of teamwork and bravery!
Angry Boy Pedro and His Friend Gift Codes Not Expired
3 mystic marbles, granting Pedro the power to summon storm clouds; 5 enchanted feathers, enhancing his agility for swift escape; 2 shimmering shields, providing temporary invulnerability against fierce foes, ensuring Pedro and his friend triumph in battle!
**Coupon Reward: 5 Potion of Fury, 3 Epic Slingshot, 10 Sparkling Crystals**
Unleash Pedro’s rage with the Potion of Fury, enhance his slinging skills with the Epic Slingshot, and collect Sparkling Crystals to unlock new levels! Grab this magical coupon and dominate the battlefield with style!
Angry Boy Pedro and His Friend Codes List
1. ABP123: 100 Coins
2. ABP456: Health Boost
3. ABP789: Super Speed
4. ABP101: Magic Shield
5. ABP102: Double XP
6. ABP103: Power-Up Pack
7. ABP104: Lucky Star
8. ABP105: Mystery Box
9. ABP106: Speed Boost
10. ABP107: Strength Potion
11. ABP108: Invincible Mode
12. ABP109: Treasure Map
13. ABP110: Energy Drink
14. ABP111: Instant Replay
15. ABP112: Character Unlock
16. ABP113: Bonus Challenge
17. ABP114: Gold Rush
18. ABP115: Mega Bomb
19. ABP116: Secret Level
20. ABP117: Time Freeze
21. ABP118: Friend Boost
22. ABP119: All Access Pass
23. ABP120: Costume Change
24. ABP121: Daily Reward
25. ABP122: Unlimited Lives
26. ABP123: Adventure Kit
27. ABP124: VIP Access
28. ABP125: Character Skin
29. ABP126: Epic Loot
30. ABP127: Stamina Potion
31. ABP128: Pet Companion
32. ABP129: Glider Unlock
33. ABP130: Puzzle Piece
34. ABP131: Health Kit
35. ABP132: Event Ticket
36. ABP133: Bonus Level
37. ABP134: Skill Upgrade
38. ABP135: Treasure Chest
39. ABP136: Adventure Token
40. ABP137: Fast Travel
41. ABP138: Bonus Coins
42. ABP139: Sneak Peek
43. ABP140: Leaderboard Boost
44. ABP141: Crafting Material
45. ABP142: Pet Level Up
46. ABP143: Special Offer
47. ABP144: Free Upgrade
48. ABP145: Combat Training
49. ABP146: Gem Pack
50. ABP147: Epic Quest
51. ABP148: Reward Wheel
52. ABP149: Adventure Guide
How to redeem code for Angry Boy Pedro and His Friend
To redeem a gift code in Angry Boy Pedro and His Friend, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code accurately in the provided field, then confirm your entry. Enjoy your rewards and enhance your gaming experience!