“Assault Lily: Last Bullet” is a captivating mobile game published by So-net Entertainment Taiwan Limited that blends action, strategy, and anime aesthetics. Players are immersed in a rich narrative centered around powerful girls known as Lilies, who battle enigmatic creatures called Gigantis to protect humanity. With stunning visuals and dynamic combat mechanics, players can collect and customize a diverse roster of characters, each with unique abilities and story arcs. The game encourages collaboration and strategic planning as players form teams to tackle challenging missions. It also features a plethora of in-game events and codes that unlock exclusive rewards, enhancing the overall experience for fans of the franchise. Dive into the world of Assault Lily today!
Assault Lily Last Bullet W Promo Codes Not Expired
5 Crystal Shards, 3 Enchanted Hairpins, 7 Elixirs of Fortitude—boosts magic damage by 20%, enhances charm for squad leaders, and restores 50% health instantly. Embrace your destiny with these powerful gifts in Assault Lily Last Bullet W!
Congratulations! You’ve unlocked a fantasy coupon with the following rewards: 2000 Pixie Coins, 3 Rare Weapon Upgrades, and 5 Mystic Crystals! Use your Pixie Coins to purchase exclusive gear, enhance your weapons to unleash devastating power, and use Mystic Crystals for unique skill boosts. Happy battling!
Assault Lily Last Bullet W Codes List
1. ALW2023GIFT1: 500 Gems
2. ALW2023GIFT2: 10x Training Tickets
3. ALW2023GIFT3: 5x Character Upgrade Chips
4. ALW2023GIFT4: 1000 Gold
5. ALW2023GIFT5: Exclusive Skin
6. ALW2023GIFT6: 3x Friendship Tokens
7. ALW2023GIFT7: 2000 Mana
8. ALW2023GIFT8: 15x Crafting Materials
9. ALW2023GIFT9: 4x Rare Gacha Tickets
10. ALW2023GIFT10: 300 Gems
11. ALW2023GIFT11: 5x Energy Drinks
12. ALW2023GIFT12: 10x EXP Boosters
13. ALW2023GIFT13: 1500 Gold
14. ALW2023GIFT14: 5x Weapon Enhancers
15. ALW2023GIFT15: Heroic Character
16. ALW2023GIFT16: 250 Gems
17. ALW2023GIFT17: Event Exclusive Item
18. ALW2023GIFT18: 20x Recovery Kits
19. ALW2023GIFT19: 2x Stat Boost Cards
20. ALW2023GIFT20: 100x Skill Points
21. ALW2023GIFT21: 3x Special Gacha Tickets
22. ALW2023GIFT22: 500 Mana
23. ALW2023GIFT23: 10x Festival Tokens
24. ALW2023GIFT24: 1000 Gems
25. ALW2023GIFT25: 2x Legendary Characters
26. ALW2023GIFT26: 5x Tactical Strategies
27. ALW2023GIFT27: 15x Enhancement Tickets
28. ALW2023GIFT28: 200 Gems
29. ALW2023GIFT29: 20x Skill Books
30. ALW2023GIFT30: 5x Essential Supplies
31. ALW2023GIFT31: 2x Unique Skins
32. ALW2023GIFT32: 3000 Gold
33. ALW2023GIFT33: 10x Daily Rewards
34. ALW2023GIFT34: 5x Character Summons
How to redeem code for Assault Lily Last Bullet W
To redeem a gift code in Assault Lily Last Bullet W, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Gift Code" or "Redeem" option. Enter your code accurately in the provided field and confirm. You should receive your rewards shortly after successful redemption. Enjoy!