CASE 2: Animatronics Horror by ООО ВАЛНАТ dives deep into the eerie world of haunted animatronics. Set in a chilling, abandoned pizzeria, players must navigate through dark corridors, solving puzzles while avoiding malevolent animatronic creatures that come to life. The game combines survival horror elements with intense gameplay mechanics, forcing players to outsmart their robotic foes. As the story unfolds, players uncover the dark secrets behind the animatronics and the sinister events that led to their creation. Immersive sound design and unsettling visuals enhance the terrifying atmosphere, keeping players on the edge of their seats. Will you survive the night, or become another victim of the animatronics?

CASE 2: Animatronics Horror Codes Wiki Not Expired


5 Mystic Crystals, 3 Enchanted Music Boxes, 2 Guardian Statues – These gifts enhance your stealth, boost morale during scares, and provide a protective shield against lurking animatronics, ensuring you survive the night while uncovering hidden truths.


**Coupon Reward:**

3 Nightmare Tokens, 5 Energy Drinks for moments of quick recovery, 2 Stealth Cloaks to evade animatronic detection, 10 Extra Flashlights to illuminate dark corners, and 1 Guardian Charm for temporary invulnerability against lurking threats. Embrace the challenge and equip wisely!

CASE 2: Animatronics Horror Codes List

1. A1B2C3: 100 XP
2. F4G5H6: Silver Key
3. J7K8L9: 500 Coins
4. M1N2O3: Rare Mask
5. P4Q5R6: Energy Drink
6. S7T8U9: 3rd Life
7. V1W2X3: Glow Stick
8. Y4Z5A6: Flashlight
9. B7C8D9: Bonus Level
10. E1F2G3: 50% Off
11. H4I5J6: Free Hint
12. K7L8M9: Spooky Outfit
13. N1O2P3: Haunted Locket
14. Q4R5S6: Mystery Box
15. T7U8V9: Phantom Doll
16. W1X2Y3: 1000 Points
17. Z4A5B6: Escape Tool
18. C7D8E9: Map Upgrade
19. F1G2H3: Chilling Whisper
20. I4J5K6: Creepy Soundtrack
21. L7M8N9: Bleeding Wall
22. O1P2Q3: Scare Tactic
23. R4S5T6: Horror Theme
24. U7V8W9: Warden's Badge
25. X1Y2Z3: 5 Lives
26. A4B5C6: Enhanced Vision
27. D7E8F9: Spirit Essence
28. G1H2I3: 200 HP
29. J4K5L6: Night Vision
30. M7N8O9: Protective Charm
31. P1Q2R3: Darker Shadows
32. S4T5U6: Echo Detector
33. V7W8X9: Frightening Laughter
34. Y1Z2A3: 3 Bonus Jumps
35. B4C5D6: Time Extension
36. E7F8G9: Strange Keypad
37. H1I2J3: Nightmare Mode
38. K4L5M6: Haunted Compass
39. N7O8P9: Hologram Projector
40. Q1R2S3: 1500 Coins
41. T4U5V6: Super Speed
42. W7X8Y9: Phantom Upgrade
43. Z1A2B3: 25% XP Boost
44. C4D5E6: Eerie Music Box
45. F7G8H9: Shadow Cloak
46. I1J2K3: Twisted Pathway
47. L4M5N6: Hidden Chamber
48. O7P8Q9: Macabre Portrait
49. R1S2T3: Ghostly Companion
50. U4V5W6: Scarecrow Shield
51. X7Y8Z9: Fear Factor
52. A1B2C3: Disguise Kit
53. D4E5F6: Cryptic Toy
54. G7H8I9: Dark Crystal
55. J1K2L3: Endless Hallway

How to redeem code for CASE 2: Animatronics Horror

To redeem a gift code in CASE 2: Animatronics Horror, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option, click on it, and enter your gift code in the provided field. Confirm your entry, and the rewards should be added to your account. Enjoy!


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