In the heartwarming world of “Cat Rescue Story,” players are immersed in the role of a compassionate cat rescuer. The game, developed by Trophy Games – Animal Games, invites you to save adorable felines from challenging situations, nursing them back to health and finding them loving homes. As you embark on thrilling missions filled with puzzles, the journey becomes even more rewarding with exclusive Pet Game codes. These codes unlock special items and unique cat breeds, enhancing your gameplay experience. Join the community of cat lovers, unleash your nurturing side, and share the joy of rescuing and caring for these lovable companions in this charming adventure!
Cat Rescue Story: pets home Redeem Codes Not Expired
5 Mythical Catnip Treats, 3 Enchanted Scratch Posts (30% increase in happiness), 2 Golden Fish Tokens (double treats for 24 hours), 1 Magic Wand of Whiskers (summons friendly cats for a day).
25 Catnip Treats, 10 Magical Fish, 5 Enchanted Toys! Use your Catnip Treats to unlock special abilities for your feline friends, the Magical Fish enhances your cats’ happiness levels, and the Enchanted Toys provide hours of entertainment and bonding time for all!
Cat Rescue Story: Pet Game Codes List
1. CATLOVE123: 50 Gems
2. PURRFECTION456: 3 Cat Treats
3. MEOWMIX789: 5 Catnip Bags
4. FURRYFRIEND101: 200 Coins
5. HAPPYPAWS202: 1 Special Cat
6. PURRSCAPE303: 10 Energy Boosts
7. CATTITUDE404: 1 Design Upgrade
8. WHISKERS505: 5 Rescue Tickets
9. FURBALL606: 15 Food Packs
10. STRAYHERO707: 100 Gems
11. POUNCE808: 1 Rare Cat
12. NAPTIME909: 20 Treats
13. KITTYPOWER010: 3 Mystery Boxes
14. TAILWAG111: 1 Adventure Scroll
15. CLAWSOME222: 50 Coins
16. LUVCATS333: 2 Cat Accessories
17. FELINE444: 5 Health Boosts
18. SNUGGLE555: 1 Extra Life
19. PURRING666: 2 Cat Beds
20. TREATTIME777: 30 Catnip
21. LOVE4CATS888: 1 Bonus Cat
22. POUNCEY999: 15 Gems
23. FURRY1010: 100 Coins
24. PUSSYCAT1111: 5 Food Bowls
25. TREATS2222: 1 Pet Outfit
26. CHASINGTUNA333: 10 Gems
27. SNIFTER4444: 3 Cat Toys
28. FLEALESS5555: 1 Healing Item
29. CATFAN6666: 200 Coins
30. FELICITY7777: 15 Cat Treats
31. CATTY8888: 2 Rescue Tickets
32. WAGGING9999: 5 Energy Boosts
33. MEOWZA0001: 1 Premium Cat
34. KITTYFUR0102: 10 Catnip
35. TREASURE1010: 20 Food Packs
36. PURRING2020: 300 Coins
37. FURFRIEND3030: 5 Mystery Boxes
38. POUNCER9090: 1 Upgrade Token
39. WHISKERS0101: 2 Special Treats
40. CUDDLE1010: 50 Gems
41. KITTENBOND1110: 1 Adventure Card
42. CATSTORY2220: 25 Coins
43. PURRCHASE3330: 1 Rare Item
44. CATNIP4440: 10 Health Boosts
45. FELINE5550: 3 Cat Accessories
46. SNUGGLES6660: 5 Energy Potions
47. WHISKERADO7770: 1 Extra Outfit
48. HAPPYMEOW8880: 150 Gems
49. PAWSITIVE9990: 20 Food Supplies
How to redeem code for Cat Rescue Story: Pet Game
To redeem a gift code in Cat Rescue Story: Pet Game, open the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Settings" or "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code carefully in the provided field and tap "Redeem." Your rewards should appear shortly after successfully entering the code.