In the enchanting world of City of Fantasy by EAGLERAY INTERACTIVE PTE. LTD., players embark on thrilling adventures that are limited only by their imagination. With a rich tapestry of vibrant landscapes, magical creatures, and intriguing quests, this immersive experience invites gamers to explore diverse realms. Earning and utilizing SEA codes unlocks exclusive rewards, enhancing gameplay and customization options. Players can dive into dynamic events, forge alliances with fellow adventurers, and build their unique city filled with fantastical elements. The developers consistently update content and introduce seasonal events, ensuring that every visit feels fresh and exciting. Join the adventure and unleash your creativity in the City of Fantasy!
City of Fantasy Codes Not Expired
10 Gold Coins, 5 Enchanted Crystals, 3 Mystic Potions, 2 Rare Artifacts, 1 Legendary Armor, 15 Firefly Wings, 8 Healing Herbs, 4 Dragon Scales – all enhance your adventure and prepare you for epic quests!
**Fantasy Coupon Reward:**
100 Gold Coins, 3 Mystic Potions (restore health), 5 Enchanted Arrows (bonus damage to enchanted creatures), 1 Legendary Scroll (unlocks a powerful spell), 200 Experience Points (level up faster), and a Rare Gem (trade for unique items) await your adventure in City of Fantasy!
City of Fantasy (SEA) Codes List
1. FANTASY2023: 500 Gold
2. MYSTICGIFT: 10x Health Potion
3. SWORDMASTER: Rare Sword
4. ELIXIR20: 5x Mana Elixir
6. MAGICWAND: 1x Spell Book
8. FABLEDWARLOCK: 1000 Experience
9. DRAGONSLAYER: 15x Dragon Scales
10. FANTASYWORLD: 3x Legendary Crystals
11. MAGICIAN2023: 50 Spell Points
12. DARKFORCE: 20 Health Potions
13. WARRIORSPACK: 300 Gold
14. FAECHARM: 8x Healing Herbs
15. ELVENRING: Rare Accessory
16. GUILDSUCCESS: 5x Guild Tokens
17. QUESTGRANT: 1x Random Mount
18. TREASUREHUNT: 100 Gems
20. SHADOWSIGHT: 10x Energy Drinks
21. LEGENDARYGIFT: 5x Fortify Stones
22. GHOSTHUNTER: 1x Rare Pet
23. STARDUST: 5x Quest Scrolls
24. VALIANTHEART: 200 Experience
25. LUMINOUSWAND: 2x Mana Restoration
26. WIZARDPOWER: 3x Rare Spells
27. DARKOATH: 1x Ancient Artifact
28. BRAVEBLADE: 150 Gold
29. FANTASYFEAST: 15x Food Rations
30. EPICJOURNEY: 1x Elite Mount
How to redeem code for City of Fantasy (SEA)
To redeem a gift code in City of Fantasy (SEA), launch the game and log into your account. Navigate to the settings or gift code section. Enter the code in the designated field and confirm. Your rewards will be delivered to your in-game mailbox or inventory shortly afterward. Enjoy!