Clumsy Cat, developed by Dingo Games, invites players into a whimsical world filled with adorable feline antics. In this charming puzzle adventure, players guide a mischievous cat through a series of engaging challenges, using clever codes to unlock levels and uncover hidden treasures. With vibrant graphics and intuitive gameplay, Clumsy Cat ensures players of all ages can join in the fun. Collect special items and showcase your puzzle-solving skills while navigating quirky scenarios that test your creativity and wit. Dingo Games has crafted an experience that not only entertains but also encourages strategic thinking. Dive into the delightful chaos of Clumsy Cat and enjoy endless entertainment!
Clumsy Catv1.4.4 Redeem Codes Not Expired
5 Mystic Feathers, granting the ability to glide for a short time; 3 Enchanted Fish, restoring health instantly; 10 Whimsical Bells, attracting nearby treasures and distracting foes with their charming chime. Enjoy your whimsical adventure!
10 Whisker Wands, granting a 20% boost in agility for five minutes; 5 Glittering Fish, instantly restoring 50 health points; 3 Clumsy Boots, allowing for double jump ability in the next adventure. Use wisely, adventurous feline! Pounce to victory with these magical rewards!
Clumsy Cat Codes List
1. ABC123: 50 Catnip
2. CAT456: 100 Coins
3. PURR789: 5 Gems
4. MEOW321: Extra Life
5. CLUMSY654: Rare Toy
6. FUNNY987: 200 Points
7. WHISKERS111: 30% Off
8. KITTY222: Mystery Box
9. FELINE333: Free Level Up
10. CATTY444: 3x Power-Up
11. PAWS555: 10 Stamina
12. SCRATCH666: 25% Boost
13. TAIL777: Seasonal Outfit
14. POUNCE888: Bonus Quest
15. NAP999: 15 Diamonds
16. HISS000: New Hat
17. PURRLEET111: 500 Coins
18. CLUMSYMAGIC: Special Event
19. CUTE222: 5 Star Treat
20. KITTEN333: Auto-Heal
21. FURRY444: Double XP
22. WHISKER555: Exclusive Skin
23. PAWSOME666: 20% Discount
24. MEOWMAGIC: 3 Free Spins
25. SPUNKY777: Mega Pack
26. CURLY888: Free Friend Invite
27. CATNAP999: Gold Fish Bowl
How to redeem code for Clumsy Cat
To redeem a gift code in Clumsy Cat, open the game and navigate to the settings or menu screen. Look for an option labeled "Redeem Code" or similar. Enter your gift code carefully and confirm. Your rewards should be added to your account, allowing you to enjoy new features.