Day R Survival: Last Survivor, developed by Rmind Games, immerses players in a post-apocalyptic world where survival skills are put to the test. Players navigate through a vast, open world, battling hunger, illness, and hostile threats while managing limited resources. The game’s depth lies in its crafting system, allowing for the creation of weapons, equipment, and medical supplies essential for survival. To enhance the gaming experience, players can utilize special codes that unlock valuable items and boosts. These codes provide an edge in the challenging environment of Day R, making it essential for survivors to stay updated on the latest releases from Rmind Games, ensuring prolonged survival in a perilous world.
Day R Premiumv1.821 + Mod: Money Promo Codes Not Expired
10 Healing Potions, 5 Enchanted Arrows, 2 Ancient Scrolls – Each potion restores 50 health, arrows deal double damage, and scrolls reveal hidden locations on the map, guiding you through treacherous terrains and undead hordes.
“2 Elixirs of Vitality, 5 Stamina Boosters, 10 Healing Herbs: Revitalize your journey in Day R Survival! Use the elixirs to restore health, the stamina boosters to sprint through danger, and healing herbs to mend wounds and enhance your survival skills.”
Day R Survival: Last Survivor Codes List
1. ABC123: 500 Food
2. DEF456: 1000 Water
3. GHI789: 2500 Silver
4. JKL012: 5 First Aid Kits
5. MNO345: 10 Bandages
6. PQR678: 200 Scrap Metal
7. STU901: 50 Wood Planks
8. VWX234: 3 Medkits
9. YZA567: 100 Fuel
10. BCD890: 5 Grenades
11. EFG123: 50 Stone
12. HIJ456: 3 Flashlights
13. KLM789: 20 Cooking Oil
14. NOP012: 150 Metal Parts
15. QRS345: 5 Canned Food
16. TUV678: 10 Antiseptics
17. WXY901: 300 Experience
18. ZAB234: 1000 Gold
19. CDE567: 5 Weapons
20. FGH890: 100 Clamps
21. IJK123: 250 Ammunition
22. LMN456: 2 Hunting Traps
23. OPQ789: 40 Healing Herbs
24. RST012: 15 Gas Cans
25. UVW345: 500 Backpack Space
26. XYZ678: 20 Metal Sheets
27. ABC901: 10 Water Bottles
28. DEF234: 1 Vehicle Repair Kit
29. GHI567: 1000 XP Boost
30. JKL890: 2 Defense Barriers
31. MNO123: 5 Survival Tools
32. PQR456: 25 Raw Meat
33. STU789: 10 Flashbangs
34. VWX012: 500 Crafting Materials
35. YZA345: 200 Food Rations
36. BCD678: 3 Stealth Kits
37. EFG901: 1000 Health Points
38. HIJ234: 5 Emergency Rations
39. KLM567: 15 Dog Food
40. NOP890: 3 Water Purifiers
41. QRS123: 25 Healing Potions
42. TUV456: 300 Gold Coins
How to redeem code for Day R Survival: Last Survivor
To redeem a gift code in Day R Survival: Last Survivor, open the game and go to the main menu. Tap on the "Settings" icon, then select the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code carefully in the provided field and confirm to receive your rewards. Enjoy your game!