NameDefender Z
CategoryNew Game
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Defender Z

The Outbreak of the Terrible Virus

A terrible virus got out of the test tube and now threatens to destroy humanity. Download Defender Z for Android, as a terrible virus leaked at one of the local factories. It very quickly scattered around the world and now threatens all living things. From the very beginning, it did not show itself in any way, but then it began to act very unfriendly towards people. All the infected became very aggressive, and then turned into terrible zombies. Only a few were able to escape the terrible wave of the virus, and you will become one of them.

Become the Hero the City Needs

You have to protect this huge city from various creatures, prove yourself as a hero and destroy all the zombies. It is necessary to create a steep siege, pick up good weapons, and confidently resist the most terrible zombies. It is quite clear that these are no longer people at all, so you definitely should not feel sorry for them. Go through numerous tasks, complete missions, and confidently move forward. For each excellent performance of the tasks you will be rewarded.

Upgrade and Conquer

Your rewards can be spent on improving your buildings, as well as buying more powerful weapons. Soon everything will start to work out for you, and you will be able to correctly, as well as confidently endure all the monsters.

Download ( V1.1.23 )