Epic Seven, the popular mobile RPG from Smilegate Holdings, Inc., offers players various codes to enhance their gaming experience. These codes often provide in-game currencies, exclusive items, or valuable resources that help players strengthen their heroes and progress more efficiently. To redeem a code, players can navigate to the game’s settings menu, find the redemption tab, and enter the code. Staying updated on community forums and social media channels is vital, as codes are frequently released during special events or milestones. Make sure to act quickly, as these codes often have expiration dates. Join the Epic Seven community to discover the latest codes and maximize your gameplay!
Epic Seven Codes Not Expired
1000 Gold, 5 Mystic Summon Tickets, 1 Enchanted Ring of Resilience: Increases hero defense by 20%, grants a chance to negate fatal damage once per battle. Perfect for boosting your team’s survivability in tough encounters!
**Coupon Reward:** 500 Gold, 3 Mystic Medals, 2 Destiny Crystals
**Effects:** Use the 500 Gold to enhance your gear, trade 3 Mystic Medals for rare equipment, and harness the power of 2 Destiny Crystals to summon elusive heroes. Unleash your potential and strengthen your roster today!
Epic Seven Codes List
1. ABCD-1234: 1000 Gold
2. EFGH-5678: 5 Covenant Books
3. IJKL-9101: 300 Sky Stones
4. MNOP-1122: 10 Ancient Coins
5. QRST-3344: 50 Energy Potions
6. UVWX-5566: 1 5-Star Hero Ticket
7. YZAB-7788: 500 Friendship Points
8. CDEF-9900: 20 Mystic Summons
9. GHIJ-2233: 15 Proofs of Valor
10. KLMN-4455: 2 Molagora
11. OPQR-6677: 5 Artifact Charms
12. STUV-8899: 100 Empowerment Stones
13. WXYZ-0001: 3 Selective Summon Tickets
14. ABCD-2345: 20,000 Gold
15. EFGH-6789: 10 Epic Crystals
16. IJKL-3456: 300 Health Potions
17. MNOP-7890: 5 Legendary Artifacts
18. QRST-4567: 2 Naphria
19. UVWX-8901: 5 5-Star Gear
20. YZAB-2346: 1 6-Star Hero
21. CDEF-5678: 200 Sky Stones
22. GHIJ-9876: 15 Adventure Tickets
23. KLMN-5432: 100 Stamina Potions
24. OPQR-2109: 20 Enhancement Stones
25. STUV-6543: 10 Epic Team Tickets
26. WXYZ-0987: 5 Mystic Medals
27. ABCD-3210: 2 Selective Artifacts
28. EFGH-4567: 50 Skill Enhancement
29. IJKL-8902: 10 Exclusive Summons
30. MNOP-1524: 300 Experience Boost
31. QRST-5768: 2 Book of Memories
32. UVWX-1324: 5 Legendary Heroes
33. YZAB-2784: 25,000 Gold
34. CDEF-6987: 3 Limited Artifacts
35. GHIJ-0245: 15 Gold Transmit Stones
36. KLMN-8264: 100 Premium Points
37. OPQR-2514: 10 Crafting Materials
38. STUV-1492: 5 Rare Heroes
39. WXYZ-3410: 2 Exclusive Crafting
40. ABCD-5032: 20 Stamina Potions
41. EFGH-7201: 500 Friendship Points
42. IJKL-0044: 5 Covenant Summons
43. MNOP-1842: 2 Soul Stones
44. QRST-5167: 1 Legendary Gear
45. UVWX-7372: 10 Epic Collectibles
46. YZAB-3222: 3 Free Re-sets
47. CDEF-5874:300 Gold Transmit Stones
48. GHIJ-9803: 5 Heroic Charm Tickets
How to redeem code for Epic Seven
To redeem a gift code in Epic Seven, open the game and tap on your profile icon in the top left corner. Select the "Settings" option, then go to the "Account" tab. Tap on "Gift Code," enter your code, and confirm. Your rewards will be delivered in-game.