In “Factory World,” an engaging simulation game by CASUAL AZUR GAMES, players can immerse themselves in the art of factory management and resource production. To enhance gameplay and unlock various features, utilizing Connect Map codes is essential. These codes can provide players with valuable resources, unique items, and boosts to accelerate their factory’s growth. Players should regularly check community forums and social media platforms for the latest codes shared by the publisher or fellow gamers. By leveraging these codes, you can optimize your production lines and create a thriving industrial empire in “Factory World.” Embrace the challenge and watch your factory flourish!
Factory World Codes Not Expired
5 Mystic Gears, enhancing productivity by 20%; 10 Crystalline Shards, used to unlock advanced technologies; 3 Ethereal Blueprints, enabling the creation of unique factories with specialized outputs, perfect for expanding your resource network in Factory World.
**Coupon Reward:** 150 Gold Coins, 3 Rare Item Blueprints, 5x Resource Boost Potions
**Effect:** Instantly increases your factory’s production speed, unlocks unique manufacturing designs, and enhances resource gathering efficiency for a limited time. Perfect for upgrading your factory and maximizing profits in Factory World: Connect Map!
Factory World: Connect Map Codes List
1. XYZ123: 500 Coins
2. ABC456: 2 Free Boosters
3. DEF789: 100 Gems
4. GHI012: 3 Time Extenders
5. JKL345: 1 Extra Life
6. MNO678: 10 Energy Drinks
7. PQR901: 200 Coins
8. STU234: 5 Free Moves
9. VWX567: 50 Gems
10. YZA890: 1 Magic Tool
11. BCD123: 700 Coins
12. EFG456: 4 Power-Ups
13. HIJ789: 150 Gems
14. KLM012: 2 Hourglass
15. NOP345: 500 Energy
16. QRS678: 8 Free Boosters
17. TUV901: 3 Energy Packs
18. WXY234: 300 Coins
19. ZAB567: 1 Extra Life
20. CDE890: 50 Gems
21. FGH123: 10 Free Moves
22. IJK456: 2 Power-Ups
23. LMN789: 5 Magic Tools
24. OPQ012: 600 Coins
25. RST345: 3 Time Extenders
26. UVW678: 200 Gems
27. XYZ901: 1 Energy Pack
28. ABC234: 1 Guardian Tool
29. DEF567: 4 Free Boosters
30. GHI890: 100 Gems
31. JKL123: 2 Free Lives
32. MNO456: 300 Coins
33. PQR789: 3 Time Boosts
34. STU012: 5 Energy Drinks
35. VWX345: 150 Gems
36. YZA678: 2 Hourglass
37. BCD901: 1 Extra Move
38. EFG234: 500 Coins
39. HIJ567: 4 Magic Tools
40. KLM890: 100 Gems
41. NOP123: 3 Power-Ups
42. QRS456: 2 Energy Packs
43. TUV789: 6 Free Boosters
44. WXY012: 50 Gems
45. ZAB345: 5 Free Moves
46. CDE678: 700 Coins
How to redeem code for Factory World: Connect Map
To redeem a gift code in Factory World: Connect Map, open the game and navigate to the settings menu. Look for the "Gift Code" option, then enter your code accurately in the provided field. Confirm the entry, and your rewards should be credited to your account immediately. Enjoy your game!