FINAL FANTASY TACTICS: The War of the Lions (WotL) stands as a beloved tactical RPG from SQUARE ENIX Co., Ltd. Players delve into Ivalice, engaging in strategic battles with intricate job systems, rich storytelling, and memorable characters. The game introduces features such as updated graphics, animated cutscenes, and new characters, enhancing the classic experience. Codes and cheats play a significant role in maximizing gameplay, allowing players to unlock special items, abilities, and customize their teams. Whether you’re seeking to breeze through challenging missions or explore every facet of the game, utilizing WotL codes can elevate your tactical journey, offering endless possibilities in this epic fantasy realm.
FINAL FANTASY TACTICS: WotL Gift Codes Not Expired
10 Phoenix Downs, 5 Elixirs, 3 Master Tomes—revive fallen allies, restore health and mana completely, and grant mastery over all magic types for a single battle. Unleash your strategy and dominate the field!
Congratulations! You’ve unlocked a fantasy coupon reward: **2 Phoenix Downs, 3 Elixirs, 5 Ability Points.** Use the Phoenix Downs to revive fallen allies, replenish health and mana with the Elixirs, and enhance your skills with the Ability Points. Adventure awaits!
1. ABC123XYZ: Golden Chocobo
2. FFTWOTL456: Rare Potion
3. TACTICS789XYZ: Mystic Armor
4. GIFT4YOU111: Elixir
5. FINALFANTASY22: High Potion
6. CHOCOBO444: Magicite
7. WOTLHEAVEN77: Brave Suit
8. CODEXYZ987: Phoenix Down
9. GRIND4ITEM99: Silver Bow
10. WARRIOR777: Healing Herb
11. TACTICARMOR88: Rare Gem
12. RPGFAN345: Dragon Whisker
13. ITEMCODES33: Crystal Shield
14. FFTGIFTXYZ: Enchanted Ring
15. TACTICSPAD21: Gold Needle
16. FFXIISPECIAL: Ninja Blade
17. FFTHERO123: Secret Book
18. MAGICITEM987: Sapphire
19. TACTICMOON56: Healing Staff
20. AGILITYCODE55: Tonic
21. EPICCODE333: Whispering Wind
22. BATTLEKING45: Assassin Dagger
23. STRATEGIST111: Stamina Potion
24. GIFTWIZARD88: Ultimate Scroll
25. HEALER999: Ether
26. CHAMPION777: Battle Axe
27. GIFTTACTICS11: Spectral Shield
28. POWERUP444: Warrior’s Heart
29. BONUSCODE88: Fire Crystal
30. TACTICKING31: Iron Shield
31. STRATEGIC123: Hero's Cloak
32. RARECODE456: Guardian Gauntlet
33. MYSTICREWARD22: Lucky Charm
34. GREATGIFT33: Ice Staff
35. FIGHTER888: Thunderbolt
36. TACTICALLY395: Healing Aura
37. RPGCODE777: Twilight Crystal
38. QUESTCODE99: Hidden Blade
39. GIFTEXTRA21: Vision Ring
40. LEGENDARY986: Soul Stone
41. FANTASYITEM42: Serpent Bow
42. ITEMEXTRA55: Crystal Wand
43. HEROICCODE11: Valiant Shield
45. TRIALCODE99: Dark Robe
46. POWERBOOST88: Celestial Blade
47. FINALCODE763: Twilight Armor
48. GIFTARRIVAL88: Shade Ring
How to redeem code for FINAL FANTASY TACTICS : WotL
To redeem a gift code in FINAL FANTASY TACTICS: WotL, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Select "Options," then choose the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code carefully and confirm. Once successful, you'll receive your rewards in-game. Enjoy your enhanced gaming experience!