Fort Conquer Codes 2024 (DroidHen)

Last update August 11, 2024

Fort Conquer, developed by DroidHen, is an engaging strategy game where players build and defend their fort while conquering enemies. To enhance your gameplay, utilizing cheat codes can significantly boost your resources and unlock powerful upgrades. Some popular codes include “FORTUPGRADE” for instant resource boosts and “CONQUERALL” to unlock all levels. Remember to enter these codes in the designated area to activate their effects. Aside from codes, mastering strategies like troop placement and resource management is crucial for defending your fort and successfully taking over enemy territories. Enjoy your journey in Fort Conquer as you lead your army to victory and fortify your defenses!

Fort Conquer Codes Not Expired


Mystical sword of valor, enchanted health potions, legendary map revealing hidden treasures, and guardian spirit allies.


Mystic Armor Set, 1000 Gold Coins, 5 Dragon Essence Potions, Legendary Sword of Valor, 3 Lucky Charm Tokens, 10 Battle Scrolls.

Fort Conquer Codes List

1. ABC123XYZ: 100 Gold
2. DEF456UVW: 50 Gems
3. GHI789RST: 5 Power Boosts
4. JKL012MNO: 10 Troop Medals
5. PQR345JKL: 1 Rare Armor
6. STU678VWX: 200 Food
7. YZA901BCD: 30 Energy Potions
8. EFG234HIJ: 5 Building Upgrades
9. KLM567NOP: 100 Wood
10. QRS890TUV: 20 Treasure Maps
11. TUV123WXY: 50 XP
12. WXY456ZAB: 2 Epic Units
13. CDE789FGH: 15 Daily Challenges
14. IJK012LMN: 10 Battle Tokens
15. OPQ345RST: 5 Resource Packs
16. TUV678XYZ: 30 Stone
17. ABC901DEF: 1 Legendary Hero
18. GHI234JKL: 75 Iron
19. MNO567PQR: 5 Scout Refreshes
20. STU890VWX: 100 Diamonds
21. YZB123CDE: 20 War Medals
22. FGH456IJK: 4 Speed Boosts
23. LMN789OPQ: 300 Gold
24. RST012UVW: 10 Troop Boosts
25. XYZ345ABC: 2 Advanced Units
26. EFG678HIJ: 50 Food
27. KLM901NOP: 10 Resource Chests
28. PQR234STU: 1 Special Skin
29. TUV567WXY: 5 Hero Upgrades
30. ABC890DEF: 100 XP
31. GHI123JKL: 3 Fortifications
32. MNO456PQR: 200 Gems
33. STU789TUV: 15 Supply Troops
34. YZA012BCD: 50 Iron
35. CDE345FGH: 5 Revive Tokens
36. IJK678LMN: 300 Stone
37. OPQ901RST: 10 Rare Resources
38. TUV234XYZ: 1 Hero Upgrade
39. ABC567DEF: 25 Energy
40. GHI890JKL: 50 Wood
41. MNO123PQR: 5 Troop Gifts
42. STU456WXY: 10 Defense Medals
43. YZA789BCD: 50 Gems
44. CDE012FGH: 20 Battle Crates
45. IJK345LMN: 100 Food
46. OPQ678RST: 1 Unique Unit
47. TUV901WXY: 4 Resource Boosts
48. ABC234DEF: 30 War Medals
49. GHI567JKL: 15 Energy Potions
50. MNO890PQR: 200 Gold
51. STU123TUV: 1 Legendary Artifact
52. YZB234CDE: 50 XP
53. FGH456IJK: 5 Speed Tokens
54. LMN789OPQ: 10 Crafting Items

How to Redeem Code for Fort Conquer

To redeem a gift code in Fort Conquer, follow these steps:

1. Open the game and log in to your account.
2. Navigate to the main menu and locate the settings or options icon.
3. Find the "Redeem Code" or "Gift Code" section.
4. Enter the gift code carefully in the provided field.
5. Tap on the confirm button.

Check for a confirmation message to ensure the code was accepted, and enjoy your rewards!




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