“Friends & Dragons” is an engaging Puzzle RPG by Playsome Ltd, where players embark on thrilling adventures with friends and mighty dragons. Dive into a vibrant world filled with intricate puzzles and strategic battles. As you form alliances, you can uncover special codes that unlock exclusive rewards, boosts, and unique items to enhance your gameplay experience. Keep an eye out for limited-time events and community challenges, where sharing codes with friends can lead to exciting discoveries. Whether you’re battling foes or solving colorful puzzles, teamwork is key. Join the adventure, collect powerful dragons, and rise up in the ranks while enjoying this captivating RPG experience!

Friends & Dragons Gift Codes Not Expired


5 Mystic Crystals, 3 Enchanted Amulets, 7 Healing Potions – Harness the power of the crystals to boost your magic, wear amulets for enhanced defense, and restore your health with potions in epic battles!


**Coupon Reward:** 100 Gems, 50 Energy Potions, 3 Rare Hero Fragments, 10 Enchanted Keys.

Unlock the magic of adventure with dazzling rewards to enhance your journey! Use Gems to summon powerful allies, Energy Potions for endless battles, and Fragments to upgrade your heroes! Ready for the quest?

Friends & Dragons - Puzzle RPG Codes List

1. ABC123: 100 Gems
2. XYZ789: 50 Energy
3. PQR456: 10 Elixirs
4. LMN321: 500 Gold
5. DEF654: 3 Treasure Chests
6. GHI987: 5 Rare Items
7. JKL159: 30 XP Boost
8. MNO753: 20 Stamina
9. STU852: 15 Magic Dust
10. VWX963: 25 Hero Pots
11. OPQ852: 3 Summoning Scrolls
12. RST147: 200 Gems
13. TUV258: 10 Revives
14. WXY369: 5 Crafting Materials
15. ZAB987: 50 Gold
16. CDE123: 15 Energy
17. FGH456: 100 XP Boost
18. IJK789: 2 Legendary Items
19. LMN852: 10 Spellbooks
20. OPQ963: 5 Armor Sets
21. RST852: 150 Gems
22. TUV147: 300 Gold
23. WXY258: 5 Rare Spirits
24. ZAB369: 30 Energy
25. CDE789: 3 Mythic Weapons
26. FGH159: 15 Hero Upgrade Tokens
27. IJK753: 10 Elixirs
28. LMN258: 50 Gems
29. OPQ369: 1 Free Spin
30. RST963: 200 Gold
31. TUV123: 3 Summon Tokens
32. WXY654: 10 Stamina
33. ZAB987: 5 Adventure Packs
34. CDE147: 3 Slot Expansions
35. FGH258: 100 Gems
36. IJK369: 15 Potion Recipes
37. LMN456: 200 XP Boost
38. OPQ852: 5 Champion Tokens
39. RST963: 30 Gold
40. TUV159: 3 Elemental Gems

How to redeem code for Friends & Dragons - Puzzle RPG

To redeem a gift code in Friends & Dragons - Puzzle RPG, open the game and navigate to the settings menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code carefully and confirm. Check your inventory for rewards, and enjoy your new items in the game!