Ghost Case, developed by Dark Dome, is an intriguing blend of mystery and interactive storytelling that captivates players with its innovative use of codes. Players navigate through eerie environments, collecting clues and deciphering cryptic messages. The game’s unique Ghost Case codes serve as keys to unlocking hidden narratives and gameplay features, challenging players’ problem-solving skills. These codes not only enhance the immersive experience but also encourage collaboration within the gaming community, as players work together to uncover secrets. Dark Dome’s commitment to atmospheric design and engaging puzzles ensures that Ghost Case remains a standout in the realm of indie games, offering a hauntingly memorable adventure.
Ghost Case Codes Not Expired
10 Spirit Crystals, each enhancing your stealth. 5 Ethereal Cloaks, granting temporary invisibility during encounters. 1 Phantom Blade, that deals extra damage to spectral foes and siphons a portion of their energy for yourself.
Mystic Coupon Rewards: 3 Phantom Shards, unlocks spectral abilities; 5 Ethereal Elixirs, boosts invisibility duration by 30%; 2 Ghostly Companions, enhances tracking of hidden enemies; 10 Haunting Whispers, reveals clues in the environment. Unleash their power to conquer the unknown in Ghost Case!
Ghost Case Codes List
1. ABC123: Silver Key
2. XYZ789: Rare Artifact
3. QWE456: Mystery Box
4. RST321: Spectral Coin
5. FGH234: Phantom Mask
6. JKL567: Haunted Amulet
7. MNO890: Ghostly Potion
8. PQR902: Enchanted Crystal
9. STU678: Eerie Emblem
10. VWX123: Cursed Ring
11. YZA456: Spirit Whistle
12. BCD789: Shadow Cloak
13. EFG234: Bone Charm
14. HIJ567: Wraith's Essence
15. KLM890: Foggy Lantern
16. NOP123: Poltergeist Feather
17. QRS456: Midnight Spell
18. TUV789: Specter Tome
19. WXYZ234: Lost Soul Token
20. NML678: Echoing Bell
21. OPQ890: Dreamcatcher
22. RST123: Nightshade Seeds
23. UVW456: Cryptic Map
24. XYZ789: Glowing Orb
25. ABC234: Whispers of the Past
26. GHI567: Collected Shadows
27. JKL890: Banshee's Heart
28. MNO123: Forgotten Scrolls
29. PQR456: Eternal Flame
30. STU789: Wisp Companion
31. VWX234: Lost Memories
32. YZA567: Shattered Mirror
33. BCD890: Cursed Urn
34. EFG123: Haunted Compass
35. HIJ456: Spectral Sigil
36. KLM789: Wraith's Claw
37. NOP234: Illusionist's Charm
38. QRS567: Revenant's Blessing
How to redeem code for Ghost Case
To redeem a gift code in Ghost Case, launch the game and log into your account. Navigate to the settings or main menu where you’ll find the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code accurately in the provided field and confirm your submission to receive your rewards. Enjoy your game!