Hero Blitz: RPG Roguelike, developed by ONDI TECHNOLOGY JSC, offers players an exciting gaming experience filled with action and adventure. To enhance gameplay, players often seek out codes that provide valuable rewards and boosts. These codes can unlock unique characters, powerful weapons, and in-game currency, enabling players to progress more efficiently through the game’s challenging levels. To stay updated with the latest codes and promotions, it’s essential to follow the game’s social media channels and community forums. Engaging with fellow players can also lead to discovering hidden tips and strategies to master Hero Blitz. Dive into the adventure and unleash your full potential with the right codes today!

Hero Blitz: Action Roguelike Codes Wiki Not Expired


10 Gold Coins, 3 Healing Potions, 1 Elven Bow of Precision: Grants +5 accuracy and 2 extra damage to ranged attacks, 2 Fire Crystals: Unleashes a fiery blast, dealing 10 damage to all enemies in range.


Congratulations, Hero! You’ve unlocked a coupon: 50 Gold Coins, 3 Healing Potions, and a Mystic Scroll of Fireball. Use the Gold to upgrade your gear, the Potions to heal in battle, and unleash the Scroll for devastating damage against your foes. Adventure awaits!

Hero Blitz: RPG Roguelike Codes List

1. ZXY123: 100 Gold
2. ABC456: Epic Potion
3. DEF789: Rare Armor
4. GHI101: Health Boost
5. JKL112: Magic Whistle
6. MNO131: 50 Gems
7. PQR415: Legendary Sword
8. STU161: Speed Elixir
9. VWX714: Mystic Shield
10. YZA192: 200 Gold
11. BCD234: Fireball Spell
12. EFG456: Healing Crystal
13. HIJ678: Frost Armor
14. KLM890: 5 Battle Tokens
15. NOP109: 150 Gold
16. QRS321: Stamina Booster
17. TUV654: Lightning Bolt
18. WXY987: Shadow Dagger
19. ZAC753: 3 Rare Keys
20. DFE246: 75 Gems
21. GHI135: Double XP
22. JKL802: Invincibility Spell
23. MNQ246: Mystic Ring
24. OPQ369: 250 Gold
25. RST852: Dragon Scale
26. UVW951: Power Surge
27. XYZ357: 10 Health Potions
28. ABC159: Elemental Amulet
29. DEF753: 20 Attack Boosts
30. GHI951: Ancient Tome
31. JKL258: 15 Defense Tokens
32. MNO369: Legendary Shield
33. PQR852: 5 Rare Artifacts
34. STU963: 300 Gold
35. VWX159: Time Stop Spell
36. YZA486: 100 Health
37. BCD732: 50 Armor Points
38. EFG084: Treasure Map

How to redeem code for Hero Blitz: RPG Roguelike

To redeem a gift code in Hero Blitz: RPG Roguelike, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Settings" or "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code in the provided field, then confirm to receive your rewards. Enjoy your adventures in the game!


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