In the chilling sequel “Horror Tale 2,” young Samantha finds herself ensnared in a sinister world where nightmares come to life. As she navigates the eerie, abandoned town, each shadow whispers secrets of the dark past. Captured by malevolent forces, she must decipher cryptic codes and solve haunting puzzles to rescue her friends and escape the clutches of despair. Euphoria Horror Games masterfully crafts a foreboding atmosphere, blending tension and strategy to immerse players in Samantha’s harrowing journey. With unexpected twists and relentless horror lurking around every corner, “Horror Tale 2” invites courageous gamers to unravel the mysteries and confront the terrors that await in the shadows.

Horror Tale 2: Samantha Codes Wiki Not Expired


3 Healing Potions, 5 Ghostly Whispers (increase ability to see hidden paths), 1 Enchanted Lantern (lights dark areas and reveals secrets), 2 Shadow Cloaks (grant temporary invisibility from lurking dangers). Adventure awaits!


**Coupon Rewards for Horror Tale 2: Samantha**
3 Spooky Candles (illuminate dark areas), 5 Haunted Medallions (boost sanity recovery), 2 Phantom Elixirs (temporary invisibility from enemies), 10 Haunting Whispers (mysterious hints towards hidden secrets), and 1 Ghostly Sword (powerful weapon against spectral foes). Enjoy your chilling adventures!

Horror Tale 2: Samantha Codes List

1. DREAD2023: 1000 Gold
2. NIGHTMARE20: Exclusive Costume
3. SHADOWLURKER: 5 Health Potions
4. TERRORGIFT: Rare Artifact
5. HAUNTEDCODE: 2000 Gems
6. GHOSTLYBOUNTY: Flashlight Upgrade
7. SINISTERPICK: 10 Bonus Lives
8. FRIGHTFULSR: Survival Kit
9. EVILWHISPER: Creepy Companion
10. WICKEDWISH: 50% XP Boost
11. CHILLHALL: Enhanced Scare Ability
13. SPOOKYCODE: Haunted Map
14. CREEPYGIFT: 250 Energy
15. MACABREFIND: Event Token
16. EERIESURPRISE: Mystery Box
17. HAUNTEDTREASURE: Legendary Weapon
18. GRIMTOKEN: Customizable Skins
19. ABYSSGIFT: 3 Fortune Cookies
20. HORRORMYSTERY: Bonus Challenge
22. SCAREWONDER: Special Effects
23. PHANTOMCODE: Secret Passage
24. DARKAWAKENING: Full Character Unlock

How to redeem code for Horror Tale 2: Samantha

To redeem a gift code in Horror Tale 2: Samantha, open the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code accurately in the provided field and confirm your entry. Your rewards should then be added to your account. Enjoy!


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