Hotel Fever, developed by FlyBird Casual Games, is an exciting time-management game that immerses players in the world of hospitality. With engaging gameplay, players are tasked with managing a bustling hotel, ensuring guests have a fantastic experience. To enhance the gaming experience, players can utilize special codes to unlock unique rewards, boost their progress, and discover hidden features. These codes often provide gems, power-ups, or exclusive items that can significantly help in managing their hotel. Keep an eye on community updates or social media channels for the latest codes and tips from fellow players. Embrace the challenge, manage your hotel, and become the ultimate hospitality mogul!
Hotel Fever: Grand Hotel Tycoon Story Redeem Codes Not Expired
1 Elixir of Endless Energy, 3 Enchanted Room Keys, 5 Starlit Dream Charms – Unlock mystical abilities, gain access to exclusive suites, and enhance guest satisfaction with dreams of fantastical realms in your hotel!
**Fantasy Coupon Reward:**
“5 Gold Coins, 10% Off Room Upgrades, 1 Free Potion of Invincibility”
Unlock these exciting rewards to enhance your stay at Hotel Fever! Use your coins for luxurious upgrades, enjoy discounts, and gain invincibility to conquer any challenge during your adventure. Happy travels, traveler!
Hotel Fever Codes List
1. AB1C2D: Free Room Upgrade
2. EF3G4H: 20% Spa Discount
3. IJ5K6L: Complimentary Breakfast
4. MN7O8P: Free Late Checkout
5. QR9S0T: $50 Dining Credit
6. UV1W2X: 2-for-1 Happy Hour
7. YZ3A4B: Free Wi-Fi Access
8. C5D6E7: Poolside Cabana Rental
9. F8G9H0: Free City Tour
10. I1J2K3: Movie Night Package
11. L4M5N6: Welcome Amenities
12. O7P8Q9: Fitness Center Pass
13. R1S2T3: Free Shuttle Service
14. U4V5W6: Pet Stay Free
15. X7Y8Z9: Gift Shop Discount
16. A1B2C3: Free Drink Voucher
17. D4E5F6: Room Service Credit
18. G7H8I9: Kids Eat Free
19. J1K2L3: Early Check-In
20. M4N5O6: Complimentary Parking
21. P7Q8R9: Seasonal Gift Basket
22. S1T2U3: Beach Access Pass
23. V4W5X6: 10% Off Spa Packages
24. Y7Z8A9: Free Guided Tour
25. B1C2D3: Mini Bar Credit
26. E4F5G6: Afternoon Tea
27. H7I8J9: Loyalty Points Bonus
28. K1L2M3: Free Souvenir
29. N4O5P6: Adventure Package Discount
30. Q7R8S9: Champagne Welcome
31. T1U2V3: Pool Party Access
32. W4X5Y6: Free Local Guidebook
33. Z7A8B9: Eco-Friendly Gift
34. C1D2E3: Dinner for Two
35. F4G5H6: Family Game Night
36. I7J8K9: Access to Lounge
37. L1M2N3: Free Evening Entertainment
38. O4P5Q6: Free Fitness Class
39. R7S8T9: VIP Access Pass
40. U1V2W3: Holiday Celebration Ticket
41. X4Y5Z6: Taste of the City Tour
42. A7B8C9: Photography Session
43. D1E2F3: Rooftop Bar Access
44. G4H5I6: Custom Itinerary Service
45. J7K8L9: Storytelling Night
46. M1N2O3: Free Dessert at Dinner
How to redeem code for Hotel Fever
To redeem a gift code in Hotel Fever, open the app and navigate to the main menu. Select "Gift Codes" or "Redeem Code." Enter your code in the provided field and tap "Submit" or "Redeem." Your bonus rewards will be credited to your account instantly for use! Enjoy your stay!