Unlock exciting rewards in Legends of Catopia with exclusive codes from publisher Moving Dimensions! These special codes provide players with valuable items, in-game currency, and unique boosts to enhance your gaming experience. Whether you’re venturing into new territories or battling fierce foes, using these codes can give you the edge you need. To redeem, simply navigate to the settings menu, find the code redemption section, and enter the provided codes. Stay updated by following Moving Dimensions on social media and joining community forums to discover the latest codes and events. Happy gaming, and may your adventures in Catopia be filled with glory and treasure!

Legends of Catopia – Official iOS Codes Not Expired


5 Mystic Catnip, 12 Enchanted Yarn Balls, 3 Whisker Wands: Grants agility boosts, enhances magical abilities, and improves stealth for your feline warriors in battle. Perfect for strategic pouncing and crafty maneuvers against foes!


Congratulations, brave adventurer! You’ve unlocked a fortune in the realm of Catopia: 500 Gold Coins, a Mystical Catnip Potion for enhanced agility, and a Tattered Map revealing hidden treasure locations. Use these rewards wisely to conquer challenges and strengthen your feline companions!

Legends of Catopia Codes List

1. CAT123: 100 Gems
2. FURRY456: 50 Cat Treats
3. MEOW789: 200 Coins
4. PAWS101: Rare Cat Toy
5. WHISKERS202: 5 Stamina Pots
6. KITTY303: 3 Mystery Boxes
7. TAIL404: 150 Gems
8. PURR505: Legendary Cat Food
9. CUDDLE606: 10 Adventure Tickets
10. FELINE707: 20 Cat Claws
11. SNUGGLE808: 100 Coins
12. HISS909: 2 Health Potions
13. BUNDLE111: 5 Rare Snacks
14. CLAWS222: Epic Cat Hat
15. SPIRIT333: 50 Mischief Points
16. NAPTIME444: 1 Special Cat
17. TREAT555: 75 Gems
18. SOFT666: 3 Gold Bars
19. WHIMSY777: 15 Catnip
20. SNOUT888: 100 Cat Tokens
21. PEARL999: 5 Draw Tickets
22. SPARKLE000: 1 Exclusive Cat
23. MEWS111: 100 Cat Food
24. POUNCE222: 5 Rare Herbs
25. BOUNCE333: 200 Gems
26. SPRINT444: 10 Treasure Maps
27. AGILE555: 1 Legendary Toy
28. CURIOUS666: 300 Coins
29. DART777: 20 Cat Bells
30. FLASH888: 5 Stamina Boosters
31. JUMP999: 75 Cat Treats
32. HOP101: 15 Gems
33. TWIRL202: 3 Silver Bars
34. RACE303: 2 Legendary Cards
35. SWIFT404: 50 Cat Food
36. CHASE505: 1 Unique Cat
37. DODGE606: 5 Refills
38. GLIDE707: Rare Gem Bag
39. WALTZ808: 100 Coins
40. SPRINT909: 10 Lucky Stars
41. TUMBLE111: 3 Magic Stones
42. TANGO222: 25 Cat Treats
43. HUSTLE333: 1 Epic Cat
44. ROLL444: 200 Gems
45. ZOOM555: 50 Adventure Coins
46. DANCE666: 5 Mega Boosts
47. SWAY777: Rare Cat Collar
48. WINK888: 100 Gems
49. BLINK999: 3 Cat Tails
50. FLICK000: 5 Adventure Caches
51. SPIN111: 15 Catnip
52. FLIP222: 1 Special Item
53. SHAKE333: 10 Stamina Drinks
54. WOBBLE444: 50 Cat Coins

How to redeem code for Legends of Catopia

To redeem a gift code in Legends of Catopia, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Click on the “Settings” icon, then find the “Redeem Code” option. Enter your gift code in the provided field and confirm. Your rewards will be credited to your account shortly after. Enjoy!