Monster Hunter Puzzles, developed by CAPCOM CO., LTD., invites players to experience thrilling puzzle challenges inspired by the beloved Monster Hunter franchise. Engage in strategic gameplay that combines classic puzzle mechanics with the immersive world of monster hunting. Players can unlock a variety of puzzles featuring iconic monsters, weapons, and hunting gear. To enhance the experience, special codes can be redeemed for exclusive rewards, including rare items and unique puzzle pieces. Stay connected with the game’s community to discover new codes shared by fellow hunters. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the series, Monster Hunter Puzzles offers an exciting blend of brain-teasing fun and thrilling adventure!

Monster Hunter Puzzles Codes Not Expired


5 Mystic Crystals, granting +10% elemental damage; 3 Enchanted Elixirs, restoring 50 health points; 2 Ancient Amulets, increasing dodge chance by 15%; and 1 Legendary Bow, dealing double damage on critical hits. Enjoy your hunt!


Claim your fantasy coupon reward: 3 Dragonfire Elixirs to ignite your attacks, 5 Mystic Puzzle Pieces for powerful combos, and 10 Stamina Boosts to enhance your hunting endurance. Unleash epic strategies and conquer monsters like never before in Monster Hunter Puzzles!

Monster Hunter Puzzles Codes List

1. ZANJ-4R88: Great Sword
2. KUDJ-9Y56: Mega Potion
3. XYTR-3K21: Hunter's Notebook
4. NMQW-LX92: Fireproof Mantle
5. YTGB-PWD4: Trap Tool
6. AUVP-M9E8: Felyne Chef
7. RIOK-5821: Health Booster
8. BDYC-JT76: Cutting Knife
9. EQUI-3XSR: Bomb Bag
10. JMTK-8X54: Armor Sphere
11. FQMO-WLA1: Demondrug
12. XYRN-6P90: Hunting Horn
13. HJSK-2B947: Elixir
14. TRED-9K38: Sharpness Boost
15. LSPJ-1C50: Flash Bomb
16. QXTV-D58K: Legendary Bow
17. VMNU-7D64: Monster Treat
18. HTJP-5K21: Command Palico
19. PRZO-V8AT: Fish Bait
20. NWSE-3F22: Jyuratodus Scales
21. YZQH-4B15: Clutch Claw
22. QWAE-8X33: Lifepowder
23. PHEZ-JR69: Elemental Ammunition
24. XFJD-0G85: Hunting License
25. AKBL-P3M2: Thunderbug
26. SZOI-7J18: Lightning Blade
27. QWUG-R8A9: Bolt Axe
28. LKMC-T4H7: Hound's Call
29. MJSR-1L5E: Stamina Upgrade
30. GAJP-6Z44: Monster Bone
31. DXCL-NW20: Mega Demondrug
32. NQTX-Q5Y8: Infinity Charm
33. AOKR-3T1P: Spirit Varnish

How to redeem code for Monster Hunter Puzzles

To redeem a gift code in Monster Hunter Puzzles, open the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Settings" or "Account" option. Select "Redeem Code" and enter your code carefully. Confirm the entry, and your rewards will be added to your account. Enjoy your gifts!