Oasis Survival, published by SkyRise Digital Pte. Ltd., immerses players in a challenging world where survival hinges on resource management and strategic planning. Players can utilize various survival codes to enhance their gaming experience, unlocking essential tools, rare items, and unique abilities that can streamline their journey through the game’s vast landscapes. Each code presents a valuable opportunity to gain a competitive edge, whether it’s finding food, crafting better equipment, or boosting health. Engaging with the community for the latest updates on codes can significantly improve your chances of thriving amidst the challenges. Stay vigilant and resourceful, as every code could be the key to your survival in this intense adventure!
Oasis Survival Gift Codes Not Expired
3 Water Gourd, 5 Healing Herbs, 2 Ancient Tablets: quench your thirst, restore health, and unlock mystical knowledge to enhance your survival skills while navigating the treacherous sands of the Oasis. Adventure awaits!
**Coupon Reward: 3x Enchanted Water Flasks, 5x Mystic Herb Bundles, 2x Celestial Compass**
Use these magical items to enhance your Oasis Survival journey: replenish health, craft potent potions, and navigate the desert with ease. Harness their power to thrive amidst the harsh sands and mysterious creatures!
Oasis Survival Codes List
1. A1B2C3D4: 50 Gems
2. E5F6G7H8: Themed Skin
3. I9J0K1L2: 100 Health Points
4. M3N4O5P6: Survival Kit
5. Q7R8S9T0: 5x Food Packs
6. U1V2W3X4: XP Boost
7. Y5Z6A7B8: Rare Weapon
8. C9D0E1F2: Crafting Materials
9. G3H4I5J6: 200 Gold Coins
10. K7L8M9N0: Special Mission
11. O1P2Q3R4: Energy Drink
12. S5T6U7V8: Free Upgrade
13. W9X0Y1Z2: 10x Arrows
14. A3B4C5D6: Extra Backpack
15. E7F8G9H0: Campfire Kit
16. I1J2K3L4: Time Warp
17. M5N6O7P8: Treasure Map
18. Q9R0S1T2: 5x Bandages
19. U3V4W5X6: Bonus Level
20. Y7Z8A9B0: Defensive Walls
21. C1D2E3F4: Resource Pack
22. G5H6I7J8: Mystery Box
23. K9L0M1N2: Quick Revive
24. O3P4Q5R6: Increased Speed
25. S7T8U9V0: Hidden Artifact
26. W1X2Y3Z4: Daily Challenge
27. A5B6C7D8: Crafting Blueprint
28. E9F0G1H2: 300 XP
29. I3J4K5L6: Forest Armor
30. M7N8O9P0: Elite Power
31. Q1R2S3T4: Golden Compass
32. U5V6W7X8: Survival Guide
33. Y9Z0A1B2: Fishing Rod
34. C3D4E5F6: Skill Reset
35. G7H8I9J0: Weapon Upgrade
36. K1L2M3N4: Unique Outfit
37. O5P6Q7R8: Monster Encounters
38. S9T0U1V2: Hidden Cavern
39. W3X4Y5Z6: Firestarter Kit
40. A7B8C9D0: 2x Rewards
41. E1F2G3H4: Secret Passage
42. I5J6K7L8: Enhanced Vision
43. M9N0O1P2: Rare Resources
44. Q3R4S5T6: Escape Plan
How to redeem code for Oasis Survival
To redeem a gift code in Oasis Survival, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the “Settings” or “Redeem Code” option. Enter your gift code in the provided field and confirm. The rewards should be credited to your account after successful redemption. Enjoy your rewards!