“Reigns: Three Kingdoms,” a captivating strategy game from Netflix, Inc., immerses players in the turbulent era of China’s Three Kingdoms. By blending narrative choices with card-based mechanics, it offers a unique way to navigate alliances and conflicts. Players assume the role of a ruler, making decisions that impact their kingdom’s fate, balancing power, resources, and relationships. The game encourages replayability through various paths and outcomes, ensuring that no two experiences are alike. To enhance gameplay, players can utilize special codes, unlocking unique content or bonuses. Explore the intricate world, forge alliances, and conquer rivals in this richly decorated historical narrative that keeps players engaged and entertained.
Reigns: Three Kingdoms Codes Not Expired
100 gold coins, 5 ancient scrolls of wisdom that grant insight into enemy strategies, 1 enchanted sword that boosts military morale by 20%, and a rare phoenix feather that revives a fallen hero once in battle.
**Fantasy Coupon Reward:**
5 Rare Dragon Eggs, 10 Mystic Herbs, 3 Legendary Weapons
Unleash the power of 5 Rare Dragon Eggs to summon fierce allies, gather 10 Mystic Herbs for unique potions enhancing your strategy, and equip 3 Legendary Weapons to dominate your foes in the epic battles of Reigns: Three Kingdoms.
Reigns: Three Kingdoms Codes List
1. XNYL23: 500 Gold
2. PQRX67: 200 Food
3. JKTW41: 100 Wood
4. BDFT12: 5 Troop Recruits
5. MHGC89: 300 Gold
6. ZQWE56: 3 Mercenaries
7. LJKR34: 50 Stone
8. ASDF89: 8 Gold Chests
9. GHJK90: 150 Food
10. QWRT45: 100 Wood
11. RYUI23: 5,000 Experience
12. TYUI78: 10 Troop Recruits
13. CVBN12: 2 Rare Items
14. ERDF67: 200 Gold
15. XCVA45: 1 Legendary Hero
16. PLMN34: 75 Food
17. YUIO90: 10,000 Gold
18. OKLI23: 500 Wood
19. NABK56: 300 Stones
20. HJKL78: 3 Rare Artifacts
21. MBNJ45: 200 Food
22. ZXCV12: 150 Gold
23. QWAS56: 100 Troop Recruits
24. OPUI90: 5 Stone
25. DFGH34: 10 Gold Chests
26. REWS67: 2 Legendary Heroes
27. TYGH12: 300 Experience
28. WERT89: 15 Troop Recruits
29. ASDF90: 1 Epic Item
30. FGHJ34: 50 Gold
31. QAZX56: 5 Tactics Cards
32. GHYU78: 250 Food
33. VBNM12: 100 Gold
34. PLMK45: 20 Troop Recruits
35. UIOP90: 500 Experience
36. HJKL23: 10,000 Wood
37. MNBV67: 2 Rare Heroes
38. JQWE12: 300 Food
39. YTRF90: 200 Gold
40. QWER34: 1 Epic Artifact
41. ZXCV45: 15 Stone
42. QWERTY: 25 Troop Recruits
How to redeem code for Reigns: Three Kingdoms
To redeem a gift code in Reigns: Three Kingdoms, open the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Gift Code" or "Promo" section. Enter your code carefully in the provided text field and submit. Your rewards should be added to your account shortly after. Enjoy!