NameRGB Express
CategoryNew Game
ReleaseBad Crane
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RGB Express

Cool Toy Maze Adventure with RGB Express

Cool toy where you will ride through the maze. Download RGB Express for Android, in appearance this project seems quite simple, but immediately captivates. This is just great entertainment, available for players of completely different ages.

You will be able to play for the only company in the world that delivers a wide variety of flowers. No one has done this yet, but you have to do everything possible to bring her to the world leaders. You have more drivers who must deliver different colors to customers. It is only necessary to build a certain path for them, so that they get to the place without problems and rather quickly. Also make sure they each get their own shipping package.

It remains only to sit back, look at how quickly the cars went to customers and wait for a good profit. Here you can experience 400 unique levels, and each of them will be completely different. The gameplay is quite easy to learn, suitable for all ages. An excellent soundtrack, incredible effects and many interesting moments await you in this project. Drive your trucks, direct them to certain places and have a blast.

Download ( V1.6.3.5 )