In the enchanting world of Running Pet by IVYGAMES, players embark on a whimsical adventure filled with fun challenges and adorable pets. To enhance your gameplay, don’t forget to utilize Dec Rooms codes that unlock exclusive rewards and boosts! These codes can provide valuable in-game items, adorable costumes for your pets, and special power-ups that make your journey even more exciting. Keep an eye on community forums and social media for the latest updates and code announcements. Whether you’re racing through vibrant terrains or collecting rewards, these codes will elevate your gaming experience and help your beloved pet shine. Get ready to run and explore!
Running Pet: Dec Rooms Promo Codes Not Expired
5 Magic Crystals, enhancing speed by 10% for an hour; 3 Enchanted Treats, boosting bond level with your pet; 1 Golden Collar, granting the ability to summon your pet for quick escapes in tough situations.
**Coupon Reward: 300 Gems, 5x Magic Potions, 2 Rare Collector’s Toys**
Unlock a treasure trove! Use 300 Gems to upgrade your pet, 5 Magic Potions for quick boosts, and 2 Rare Collector’s Toys to attract unique companions. Enhance your adventure in Running Pet: Dec Rooms and soar to new heights!
Running Pet: Dec Rooms Codes List
1. RUNPET01: 100 Gems
2. PETRACE02: 50 Coins
3. SPEEDY03: Rare Pet Unlock
4. FURRYFRIEND04: 300 Treats
5. DASHING05: 5x Power Boost
6. PAWSOME06: 10% Discount
7. PETPOWER07: Unique Room Decor
8. RUNNING08: Speed Potion
9. FLEEKFUR09: 200 Coins
10. FLUFFY10: Extra Life
11. PETPARTY11: 5x Experience
12. FASTTRACK12: 15 Gems
13. RUNNER13: Mystery Box
14. STAMINA14: 100 Treats
15. CUTEANIMAL15: Special Badge
16. JOGGING16: Free Pet Upgrade
17. PETLOVE17: 250 Gems
18. ADVENTURE18: Pet Outfit
19. FUNTIME19: Bonus Room
20. FITNESS20: 5x Item Collect
21. BARKBUDDY21: 50 Gems
22. WAGGING22: Rare Item
23. ZOOMING23: Speed Upgrade
24. TAILWAG24: Daily Gift
25. PETBUDDY25: Special Discounts
26. PLAYFUL26: 150 Coins
27. RUNFORFUN27: Accessory Unlock
28. HAPPYPET28: Legendary Item
29. TRACKS29: 5x Star Boost
How to redeem code for Running Pet: Dec Rooms
To redeem a gift code in Running Pet: Dec Rooms, open the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Settings" or "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code in the designated field and confirm. Your rewards will be credited to your account shortly. Enjoy your rewards!