Saint Seiya Awakening, developed by Yoozoo (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, brings the beloved anime franchise to life in a captivating mobile RPG. Players can immerse themselves in the epic world of the Saints, collecting powerful characters and engaging in strategic battles. To enhance your experience, utilize exclusive KOTZ codes that grant valuable rewards, including rare items, gems, and unlocks. Stay updated on the latest promotions through the game’s official channels for the most current KOTZ codes. These codes not only boost your gameplay but also connect you with a vibrant community of fans. Join your fellow Knights and fight for justice in this breathtaking adaptation of a timeless classic!
Saint Seiya Awakening: Knights of the Zodiac Codes Not Expired
Mythic armor, celestial gems, legendary weapon, ancient scroll, divine essence, rare relic, mystical pet, guardian spirit.
Mystic Armor upgrade, 1000 Gold Coins, Legendary Saint Shard, 5 Ascension Crystals, Enchanted Battle Scroll, 3 Ticket Stash, Divine Blessing Potion!
Saint Seiya Awakening: KOTZ Codes List
1. SS2023GOLD: 500 Gold
2. SAINTSILVER: 100 Gems
3. KNIGHTPOWER: 10 Energy
4. COSMICBLES: 5 Fragments
5. PEGASUSKICK: 3 Advanced Tickets
6. AURAEXPLOSION: 1500 Experience
7. HEROICBATTLE: 20 Soul Stones
8. DIVINEWINGS: 10 Awakening Shards
9. HORSESTAR: 3 Rare Cards
10. MYTHICALGIFT: 200 Gold
11. SPIRITFLOW: 500 Experience
12. STARFORGE: 5 Summon Tokens
14. GOLDENFLAME: 50 Stamina
15. ECLIPSEPOWER: 15 Points
16. COSMOSWISH: 1 Legendary Hero
17. SHIELDGUARDIAN: 5 Shield Tokens
18. DIVINEREWARD: 3 Mythic Cards
19. TEMPLARLIGHT: 2000 Experience
20. HEROICSPIRIT: 30 Soul Stones
21. CRIMSONDUSK: 10 Energy
22. SAPPHIREWIND: 7 Assists
23. LEGENDARYECHO: 3 Elite Tickets
24. FURYOFGAIA: 100 Gems
25. AURORAGIFT: 250 Gold
26. CHIVALROUS: 5 Awakening Crystals
27. MYTHICALAEGIS: 50 Stamina
28. DRAGONFLIGHT: 5 Summon Tokens
29. STARRYWAY: 1 Rare Hero
30. BATTLECOMMAND: 10 Energy
31. ETERNALFLAME: 300 Gold
33. VALIANTHEART: 15 Points
34. COSMICSTRENGTH: 3 Advanced Tickets
35. DIVINEBATTLE: 500 Experience
36. TWILIGHTBREEZE: 20 Soul Stones
37. CAVALRIERSKILL: 5 Rare Cards
38. GAMEMASTER: 3 Mythic Cards
39. SPIRITECHO: 1500 Experience
40. AURICHEART: 100 Gems
41. STRONGSHIELD: 2 Shield Tokens
42. ZENITH: 250 Gold
43. HEROICFATE: 10 Awakening Shards
44. MYTHOS: 5 Summon Tokens
45. CELEBRATION: 3000 Experience
46. FATEDMEETING: 20 Soul Stones
47. MYSTICALLIGHT: 5 Elite Tickets
48. COSMICWISH: 1 Legendary Hero
49. AEGISFURY: 500 Gold
How to Redeem Code for Saint Seiya Awakening: KOTZ
To redeem a gift code in Saint Seiya Awakening: Knights of the Zodiac (KOTZ), follow these steps:
1. Launch the game and log into your account.
2. Go to the main menu and tap on your profile icon.
3. Select the “Settings” option from the menu.
4. Look for the "Gift Code" or "Redemption" section.
5. Enter your gift code in the provided field.
6. Confirm to redeem the code and receive your rewards.
Enjoy your rewards!