Serial Cleaner, published by Plug In Digital, is an engaging stealth game that invites players to step into the shoes of a professional cleaner for the mob. Players must navigate crime scenes, avoiding detection from law enforcement while disposing of evidence and tidying up in a quirky, retro-inspired setting. To enhance the experience, the game offers various codes and cheats that unlock special features, skins, and gameplay elements. These codes allow players to experiment with different strategies, customize their character, and explore the game’s unique mechanics. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the adventure, discovering these secrets can add an exciting twist to your Serial Cleaner experience.

Serial Cleaner Codes Not Expired


5 Elixir of Swiftness, 3 Enchanted Dagger, 7 Cloak of Shadows – grants increased speed, silent movement, and enhanced stealth, allowing players to clean up the scene without drawing attention to their actions in style.


Congratulations! You’ve unlocked a fantasy coupon: 5 Gold Coins, boosting your in-game currency; 2 Extra Lives, giving you a second chance when the heat is on; and 3 Stealth Serum, allowing you to blend with shadows and evade pesky detectives for 30 seconds! Happy cleaning!

Serial Cleaner Codes List

1. A1B2C3: 100 Coins
2. D4E5F6: Bonus Level
3. G7H8I9: 50 XP
4. J1K2L3: Stealth Upgrade
5. M4N5O6: Speed Boost
6. P7Q8R9: 200 Coins
7. S1T2U3: Health Pack
8. V4W5X6: Extra Life
9. Y7Z8A1: 30 XP
10. B2C3D4: Mystery Item
11. E5F6G7: Double Coins
12. H8I9J1: Unique Weapon
13. K2L3M4: Time Freeze
14. N5O6P7: 150 Coins
15. Q8R9S1: 20 XP
16. T2U3V4: Distraction Device
17. W5X6Y7: Map Unlock
18. Z8A1B2: Secret Challenge
19. C3D4E5: 100 XP
20. F6G7H8: 10% Bonus
21. I9J1K2: Custom Outfit
22. L3M4N5: 250 Coins
23. O6P7Q8: Enhanced Vision
24. R9S1T2: Special Knife
25. U3V4W5: 300 Coins
26. X6Y7Z8: 40 XP
27. A1B2C4: Quick Escape
28. D3E4F5: Skill Boost
29. G8H9I0: 200 XP
30. J3K4L5: Night Vision
31. M6N7O8: 15% Speed Boost
32. P9Q0R1: Bonus Item
33. S4T5U6: 80 Coins
34. V7W8X9: Hidden Location
35. Y0A1B2: 5 Extra Lives
36. C5D6E7: Tactical Gear
37. F8G9H0: 300 XP
38. I4J5K6: Rare Weapon
39. L7M8N9: 50 Coins
40. O1P2Q3: Speed Upgrade
41. R4S5T6: 90 XP
42. U7V8W9: Escape Plan
43. X1Y2Z3: 20 Coins
44. A4B5C6: Bonus Challenge
45. D7E8F0: Advanced Stealth
46. G3H4I5: 60 XP
47. J8K9L0: Unique Upgrade
48. M2N3O4: 150 Coins
49. P5Q6R7: Mystery Reward
50. S8T9U0: 100 XP
51. V2W3X4: Tactical Advantage
52. Y5Z6A7: 20 Coins
53. B8C9D0: Extra Points
54. E2F3G4: Speedy Recovery
55. H6I7J8: 200 XP

How to redeem code for Serial Cleaner

To redeem a gift code in Serial Cleaner, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code carefully in the prompt and confirm. Once validated, your rewards will be applied, enhancing your gaming experience. Enjoy your loot!


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