Escape from Shadow, a thrilling game by KODASK, captivates players with its immersive gameplay and challenging puzzles. To enhance the gaming experience, players often seek out codes and cheats that can unlock new levels, provide exclusive items, or offer in-game currency. These codes can significantly improve your progress, allowing for faster advancement and a more enjoyable adventure. Keep an eye on forums and social media channels where fellow gamers share the latest updates and hidden codes. Remember to activate these codes promptly, as they may have expiration dates or limited usage. Dive deeper into the shadows and conquer the challenges with the help of these valuable codes!
Shadow Wartimev1.301 Codes Not Expired
5 healing potions, 3 enchanted daggers that deal extra shadow damage, 2 scrolls of twilight invisibility that grant temporary stealth, 1 mysterious amulet that enhances agility and protects against dark magic for one hour.
5 Health Potions, 3 Shadow Cloaks — grants temporary invisibility, 10 Gold Coins — to aid in your quests, 1 Gem of Clarity — reveals hidden paths on the map, 2 Thunderstrike Spells — unleash devastating lightning upon your foes, and 1 Ancient Key — unlocks forbidden treasures.
Escape from Shadow Codes List
1. A1B2C3: 500 Gold
2. F4G5H6: Rare Weapon
3. J7K8L9: Health Potion
4. M1N2O3: 1000 XP
5. P4Q5R6: Unique Armor
6. S7T8U9: Mystic Map
7. V1W2X3: 200 Gold
8. Y4Z5A6: Elixir of Strength
9. B7C8D9: Stealth Cloak
10. E1F2G3: 1500 XP
11. H4I5J6: Healing Spell
12. K7L8M9: Legendary Sword
13. N1O2P3: Light Bomb
14. Q4R5S6: 300 Gold
15. T7U8V9: Treasure Chest
16. W1X2Y3: Time Warp
17. Z4A5B6: 2500 XP
18. C7D8E9: Fire Bomb
19. F1G2H3: Phantom Mask
20. I4J5K6: 500 Gold
21. L7M8N9: Dragon Scale
22. O1P2Q3: 100 Health
23. R4S5T6: Rune of Agility
24. U7V8W9: 750 XP
25. X1Y2Z3: Shadow Cloak
26. A4B5C6: Rare Gem
27. D7E8F9: Phoenix Feather
28. G1H2I3: 300 Gold
29. J4K5L6: Spirit Blade
30. M7N8O9: 2000 XP
31. P1Q2R3: Night Vision
32. S4T5U6: 350 Gold
33. V7W8X9: Elemental Shield
34. Y1Z2A3: 500 XP
35. B4C5D6: Golden Key
36. E7F8G9: Potion of Speed
37. H1I2J3: Ghostly Figurine
38. K4L5M6: 400 Gold
39. N7O8P9: Warlock's Staff
40. Q1R2S3: 3x Bounty Tokens
41. T4U5V6: Umbra Crystal
42. W7X8Y9: 600 Gold
How to redeem code for Escape from Shadow
To redeem a gift code in Escape from Shadow, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code accurately in the provided field and confirm. If valid, the rewards will be added to your account, ready for use. Enjoy!