Unlock new adventures in “Street Rush – Running Game” with exclusive codes from publisher Ivy! Elevate your gameplay and enhance your running experience with rewards that will help you sprint past challenges. These codes provide you with exciting bonuses such as character upgrades, power-ups, and customization options. To redeem your codes, simply navigate to the game’s settings menu and enter the provided code in the designated field. Stay updated on the latest code releases by following Ivy’s official social media channels and community forums. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or a newbie, these codes will give you the edge you need to conquer the streets! Happy running!
Street Rush – Running Game Redeem Codes Not Expired
5 Speed Boost, 3 Invincibility Shield, 10 Gold Coins, 2 Time Freeze, 1 Mystery Power-Up, 7 Ultra Jumps, 4 Magnetism Ability, 3 Instant Finish tokens – enhance your run with these exciting gifts!
**Coupon Reward:**
“500 Speed Boosts, 3 Magic Sneakers (double jump for 20 seconds), 10 Star Coins (to unlock exclusive skins). Use these rewards wisely to dash through the streets, leap over obstacles, and enhance your runner’s journey in Street Rush!”
Street Rush - Running Game Codes List
1. SRRACE101: 500 Coins
2. SRSPEED202: Speed Boost
3. SRJUMP303: Extra Life
4. SRWIND404: Wind Shoes
5. SRCOIN505: 1000 Coins
6. SRHURDLE606: Hurdle Pass
7. SRFUEL707: Energy Drink
8. SRSTREAK808: Streak Bonus
9. SRSHIELD909: Shield Token
10. SRBLAZE1010: Flame Runner
11. SRPOINT1111: 200 Points
12. SRWINNER1212: Gold Medal
13. SRTRACK1313: Track Unlock
14. SROVER1414: Super Runner
15. SRLIGHT1515: Speed Light
16. SRPOWER1616: Power-up Pack
17. SRMAGIC1717: Mystery Box
18. SRHERO1818: Character Unlock
19. SRBAGS1919: Extra Backpack
20. SRGEMS2020: 3 Gems
21. SRBOOST2121: Boost Pack
22. SRADVENT2222: Adventure Kit
23. SRCHASE2323: Chase Rewards
24. SRWIN2345: Win Streak
25. SRRACE2355: Race Ticket
26. SRFLEETFig100: Fleet Footed
27. SRSURGE2444: Surge Pack
28. SRMYSTERY2525: Mystery Prize
29. SRDASH2626: Dash Token
30. SRGOLD2727: Gold Coins
31. SREXTRA2828: Extra Challenge
32. SRVENOM2929: Venom Boost
33. SRJET3030: Jet Fuel
34. SRSURF3131: Surfboard Unlock
35. SRSAVAGE3232: Savage Speed
36. SRPLAT3434: Platter Prize
37. SRBOLT3535: Bolt of Lightning
38. SRRUSH3636: Rush Hour
39. SRELEVATE3737: Elevation Boost
40. SRHYPER3838: Hyper Troop Gear
41. SRWARP3939: Warp Speed
42. SRVORTEX4040: Vortex Role
43. SROASIS4141: Oasis Reward
44. SRMYSTIC4242: Mystic Charm
45. SRFLARE4343: Flare Boost
46. SRSPARK4444: Spark Plug
47. SRCURVE4545: Curve Ball
48. SRDART4646: Dart Tokens
49. SRSLEEK4747: Sleek Style
50. SRFLASH4848: Flash Reward
51. SRUNLEASH4949: Unleashed Power
52. SRSURGE5050: Surge Forward
53. SRZAP5151: Zap Charge
54. SRGUST5252: Gust of Wind
55. SRNoise5353: Noise Maker
56. SRFLIGHT5454: Flight Pass
How to redeem code for Street Rush - Running Game
To redeem a gift code in Street Rush - Running Game, launch the app and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code precisely in the provided field, then click "Submit." Your rewards should appear in your account shortly afterward. Enjoy the game!