The Academy: The First Riddle, published by Snapbreak, invites players into a mesmerizing world filled with puzzles and mystery. As you navigate the enchanting halls of a magical academy, you’ll encounter a series of intricate riddles and brain-teasing challenges that will test your wits. Each code you uncover unlocks new secrets, revealing captivating stories behind the academy’s lore. Skillfully combine clues and items to solve puzzles, interact with quirky characters, and explore beautifully crafted environments. With its charming graphics and immersive gameplay, The Academy delivers a captivating experience for puzzle enthusiasts. Dive into this spellbinding adventure and unravel the academy’s greatest mysteries today!
The Academy: The First Riddle Redeem Codes Not Expired
5 Healing Elixirs, 3 Scrolls of Elemental Shielding, 2 Enchanted Quills that grant +5 Wisdom when writing, 1 Ancient Tome of Arcane Secrets that unlocks a powerful spell, 4 Mystic Crystals that enhance spell casting efficiency.
5 Health Potions, 1 Enchanted Amulet (grants +2 wisdom), 3 Scrolls of Teleportation (instant travel to any known location). Unleash newfound power, boost your intellect, and traverse the realms with ease. Claim your fortune and conquer the challenges that await at The Academy!
The Academy: The First Riddle Codes List
1. ABC123: 50 Gems
2. DEF456: Magic Potion
3. GHI789: Rare Artifact
4. JKL012: Skill Boost
5. MNO345: Health Elixir
6. PQR678: XP Boost
7. STU901: Mysterious Scroll
8. VWX234: Gold Coins
9. YZA567: Enchanted Book
10. BCD890: Ancient Key
11. EFG123: Spell Upgrade
12. HIJ456: Secret Map
13. KLM789: Time Warp
14. NOP012: Mythical Creature
15. QRS345: Crystal Shard
16. TUV678: Power Elixir
17. WXY901: Hero's Token
18. ZAB234: Battle Shield
19. CDE567: Elemental Stone
20. FGH890: Fortune Cookie
21. IJK123: Energy Brew
22. LMN456: Mystic Pendant
23. OPQ789: Silver Dagger
24. RST012: Wisdom Gem
25. UVW345: Flame Chalice
26. XYZ678: Unicorn Horn
27. ABC901: Beast Tamer
28. DEF234: Rune Stone
29. GHI567: Golden Compass
30. JKL890: Water Crystal
31. MNO123: Shadow Cloak
32. PQR456: Treasure Chest
33. STU789: Dragon Egg
34. VWX012: Ice Staff
35. YZA345: Sunstone
36. BCD678: Healing Herb
37. EFG901: Time Pendant
38. HIJ234: Phoenix Feather
39. KLM567: Ether Crystal
40. NOP890: Thunderbolt
41. QRS123: Golem Heart
42. TUV456: Aura Sphere
43. WXY789: Spirit Gem
44. ZAB012: Wishing Star
45. CDE345: Crystal Bow
46. FGH678: Dreamcatcher
47. IJK901: Night's Embrace
48. LMN234: Elixir of Life
49. OPQ567: Starlight Pearl
50. RST890: Infinity Key
51. UVW123: Echo Potion
52. XYZ456: Celestial Crown
53. ABC789: Fate Dagger
How to redeem code for The Academy: The First Riddle
To redeem a gift code in "The Academy: The First Riddle," open the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code carefully, ensuring there are no typos, and then confirm your entry. Your rewards will be added to your account.