Survival Tiles, developed by FRONTLINE HONG KONG LIMITED, is an engaging puzzle game that challenges players to think strategically while navigating through a variety of tactical situations. The game features a unique blend of resource management and survival mechanics, allowing players to collect tiles that represent different resources and skills necessary for overcoming obstacles. Utilizing codes can enhance gameplay by providing bonuses, unlocking new levels, or acquiring exclusive items. Players should stay updated with community news and events to discover the latest codes. Whether teaming up with friends or tackling challenges solo, Survival Tiles promises an immersive experience filled with excitement and strategy. Enjoy the game and thrive!

Tile Survive! Codes Not Expired


5 Elven Boots of Speed, granting +2 movement; 10 Enchanted Herbs for instant healing; 3 Mystical Crystals, allowing teleportation to a known location; 7 Golden Ingots for trade, enhancing bartering skills with merchants in nearby villages.


Congratulations! You’ve earned a magical coupon: 5 Health Potions, 3 Enchanted Fishing Rods, and a 1-time Dragon Scale Shield! Use these rewards to enhance your survival strategy, boost your health, and protect yourself from fierce foes in the mystical realms of Survival Tiles!

Survival Tiles Codes List

1. A1B2C3: 100 Gold
2. D4E5F6: Survival Kit
3. G7H8I9: 50 Gems
4. J1K2L3: Energy Bar
5. M4N5O6: 200 Points
6. P7Q8R9: Weapon Upgrade
7. S1T2U3: Armor Set
8. V4W5X6: Medical Supplies
9. Y7Z8A9: Crafting Materials
10. B1C2D3: 5 Keys
11. E4F5G6: Food Ration
12. H7I8J9: 150 Gold
13. K1L2M3: 30 Gems
14. N4O5P6: Repair Kit
15. Q7R8S9: Stamina Boost
16. T1U2V3: 100 Points
17. W4X5Y6: Resource Pack
18. Z7A8B9: Explorer's Map
19. C1D2E3: Vehicle Upgrade
20. F4G5H6: 50 Gems
21. I7J8K9: Fishing Rod
22. L1M2N3: 75 Gold
23. O4P5Q6: 3 Random Items
24. R7S8T9: Crafting Blueprint
25. U1V2W3: Shelter Plans
26. X4Y5Z6: Healing Potion
27. A7B8C9: 400 Points
28. D1E2F3: Mystery Box
29. G4H5I6: Adventure Guide
30. J7K8L9: 10 Keys
31. M1N2O3: Supply Drop
32. P4Q5R6: Gear Repair
33. S7T8U9: Scout's Signal
34. V1W2X3: 200 Gold
35. Y4Z5A6: Tactical Vest
36. B7C8D9: 20 Gems
37. E1F2G3: Map Fragment
38. H4I5J6: Food Supplies
39. K7L8M9: Crafting Tools
40. N1O2P3: Skill Book
41. Q4R5S6: 25 Gems
42. T7U8V9: Building Materials
43. W1X2Y3: Energy Boost
44. Z4A5B6: Survival Guide
45. C7D8E9: 300 Points
46. F1G2H3: Potion Recipe
47. I4J5K6: 60 Gold
48. L7M8N9: Raider's Map
49. O1P2Q3: 15 Keys

How to redeem code for Survival Tiles

To redeem a gift code in Survival Tiles, open the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Settings" or "Store" option. Find the "Redeem Code" section, enter your gift code accurately, and click “Confirm.” Enjoy your rewards! Make sure to check for any expiration dates.


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