Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT) is a popular game mode within the Garry’s Mod community, and the Port codes from Rotangy Studio enhance the gameplay experience. These codes serve as valuable tools for players looking to deepen their immersion and strategy in the ever-tactical environment of TTT. By integrating unique maps, server settings, and custom props, Rotangy Studio’s codes allow players to unlock new features and enhance their in-game interactions. Utilizing these codes can transform an ordinary gaming session into a thrilling adventure filled with deception, teamwork, and mystery. Players should explore and experiment with these codes to maximize their fun in this intense multiplayer setting.

Trouble in Terrorist Town Port Codes Wiki Not Expired


3 Healing Potions, 2 Smoke Bombs, 5 Mystical Rune Stones: Restore health, create a veil of darkness to escape detection, and enhance magical abilities for a limited time, giving players an edge in high-stakes encounters.


**Fantasy Coupon Rewards:**

3 Potent Elixirs: Restores 50% health instantly.
5 Stealth Cloaks: Grants invisibility for 30 seconds.
2 Shadow Bombs: Deals 200 damage in a radius, stunning enemies.
10 Gold Coins: Unlock special items at the merchant’s shop.
1 Magical Compass: Reveals nearby treasures.

Trouble in Terrorist Town Port Codes List

1. ABCD-1234: Golden Gun
2. EFGH-5678: Silver Key
3. IJKL-9101: Smoke Grenade
4. MNOP-1122: Health Pack
5. QRST-1314: Radar Detector
6. UVWX-1516: Flashlight
7. YZAB-1718: Special Knife
8. CDEF-1920: Ammo Crate
9. GHJK-2122: Grappling Hook
10. LMNO-2324: Explosive Trap
11. PQRS-2526: Medkit
12. TUVW-2728: Flare Gun
13. XYZA-2930: Decoy Device
14. BCDE-3132: Body Armor
15. FGHI-3334: Night Vision
16. JKLM-3536: Sniper Rifle
17. NOPQ-3738: Disguiser
18. RSTU-3940: C4 Explosive
19. VWXY-4142: Binoculars
20. ZABC-4344: Tactical Vest
21. DEFG-4546: Smoke Bomb
22. HIJK-4748: Emergency Flare
23. LMNO-4950: Silencer
24. PQRS-5152: Combat Knife
25. TUVW-5354: Proximity Mine
26. XYZA-5556: Tactical Medkit
27. BCDE-5758: Ladder
28. FGHI-5960: Spy Camera
29. JKLM-6162: Invisibility Cloak
30. NOPQ-6364: EMP Device
31. RSTU-6566: Remote Control
32. VWXY-6768: Fire Extinguisher
33. ZABC-6970: Escape Rope
34. DEFG-7172: Flashbang
35. HIJK-7374: Bait
36. LMNO-7576: Secret Passage

How to redeem code for Trouble in Terrorist Town Port

To redeem a gift code in Trouble in Terrorist Town (TTT) on Steam, launch the Steam client, go to the "Games" menu, and select "Activate a Product on Steam." Enter your gift code when prompted, and follow the instructions to complete the redemption process. Enjoy your game!


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