“Uboat Attack,” published by VOODOO, is an immersive mobile game that thrusts players into the harrowing depths of submarine warfare during the World War II era. With its engaging graphics and intense gameplay, players must strategically navigate treacherous waters while executing stealthy strikes against enemy vessels. The game features realistic submarine mechanics, allowing players to customize their U-boats and optimize attack codes for maximum efficiency. As players progress through challenging missions, they will encounter historical naval battles, test their tactical skills, and unlock powerful upgrades. The dynamic gameplay and captivating storyline make “Uboat Attack” a thrilling experience for fans of naval strategy and action games alike.

U-boat game wwII – submarine torpedo attack Codes Not Expired


3 Magic Torpedoes, 5 Stealth Cloaking Devices, 2 Ancient Nautical Charts – unleash devastating underwater strikes, evade enemy detection, and navigate treacherous waters with the wisdom of the ancients in your quest for dominance!


Congratulations, captain! You’ve earned a bounty of rewards: 500 Gold Coins to upgrade your submarine, a 30% Speed Boost for your next mission, and a Tactical Advantage Card granting you double damage for one battle. Set sail for glory and treasure!

Uboat Attack Codes List

1. ABCD1234: 500 Gold
2. WXYZ5678: Premium Submarine
3. QRST9012: 1000 Fuel
4. LMNO3456: Elite Crew Member
5. EFGH7890: 2000 Experience Points
6. IJLK2345: Repair Kit
7. MNPQ6789: 1500 Resources
8. RSTU0123: Stealth Upgrade
9. UVWX4567: Torpedo Pack
10. YZAB8901: Special Mission
11. CDEF2345: Navigator's Manual
12. GHij5678: 5x Supply Drop
13. KLmn9012: Underwater Camera
14. OPQR3456: Hidden Treasure Map
15. STUV6789: Ship Armor Booster
16. WXYZ0123: Extra Cargo Space
17. ABAB4567: 3000 Points
18. CDCD8901: Speed Boost
19. EFef2345: Advanced Torpedoes
20. GHgh5678: Battle Strategies eBook
21. IJij9012: Nautical Charts
22. KLkl3456: 1000 Repair Points
23. OPop6789: Captial Ship
24. STst0123: Bonus Gold Chest
25. UVuv4567: Ocean Navigator
26. WXwx8901: Fleet Commander
27. YZyz2345: Victory Medal
28. ABCD5678: Dive Simulator
29. WXYZ9012: Loyalty Badge

How to redeem code for Uboat Attack

To redeem a gift code in Uboat Attack, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the 'Redeem Code' option. Enter your gift code carefully in the provided field and confirm. If valid, your rewards will be added to your account automatically. Enjoy your rewards!