ウマ娘 プリティーダービーは、Cygames, Inc.が手掛ける人気のスマートフォンゲームです。このゲームでは、プレイヤーは競走馬を擬人化した娘たち(ウマ娘)を育成し、レースでの勝利を目指します。定期的にリリースされるプロモーションコードやイベントコードを使うことで、プレイヤーは特別なアイテムやゲーム内通貨を獲得できます。コードの入力方法は簡単で、メニューから「設定」→「コード入力」で行えます。最新のコードを逃さずチェックし、育成や競走で有利に進めましょう!ウマ娘世界での冒険をぜひ楽しんでください。
Uma Musume Pretty Derby Codes Not Expired
Magical racing boots, enchanted training manual, golden trophy, rare racing charm, legendary horse companion.
Legendary horse card, 1000 in-game gems, special racing outfit, exclusive training boost, rare gacha ticket, and unique character hairstyle!
ウマ娘 プリティーダービー Codes List
1. ABC123: 500 Gems
2. XYZ789: 100 Training Points
3. MMM456: Custom Outfit
4. JKL012: 300 Gems
5. PQR345: 10 Food Items
6. DEF678: Special Accessory
7. GHI901: 50 Training Points
8. STU234: Rare Card
9. VWX567: 200 Gems
10. QWE890: 5 Energy Drinks
11. RTY135: Exclusive Decoration
12. FGH246: 1,000 Coins
13. OPQ369: 20 Training Points
14. KLZ852: Limited-time Item
15. MNB753: 15 Food Packs
16. YUI147: 700 Gems
17. QAZ258: Boost Ticket
18. WSX369: 25 Training Points
19. EDC951: Rare Item
20. VFR753: 400 Gems
21. TGB159: 5 Energy Boosts
22. NHY753: Custom Skin
23. JKM951: 300 Coins
24. BVC246: 10 Special Tickets
25. XSA357: 2,000 Gems
26. ZXC159: Unique Outfit
27. QWE123: 50 Gems
28. ASD456: 5 Food Items
29. FGH789: Special Training
30. IOQ147: 100 Coins
31. PLM963: Training Voucher
32. YHN258: 200 Gems
33. BNM789: Rare Accessory
34. TGB321: 1,000 Training Points
35. QAZ963: 20 Food Items
36. WSX852: Exclusive Card
37. EDC753: 150 Gems
38. VFR258: Custom Accessory
39. PLQ147: 3 Energy Drinks
40. KHM951: 600 Gems
41. JTL789: 10 Training Points
42. QES456: Special Outfit
43. RFW147: 2,500 Coins
44. TYU258: Rare Boost
45. OKL369: 5 Food Packs
46. ZXCV123: 1,500 Gems
47. QWER789: Unique Skill
48. TYUI456: 1 Energy Drink
49. ASDF123: 150 Training Points
50. GHJK789: Limited-time Card
51. MNBVC456: 300 Gems
How to Redeem Code for ウマ娘 プリティーダービー
To redeem a gift code in ウマ娘 プリティーダービー, follow these steps:
1. Launch the game and log in to your account.
2. Tap on your profile icon located in the upper left corner.
3. Select the “Settings” option from the menu.
4. Scroll down and find the "Redeem Code" section.
5. Enter your gift code carefully, ensuring no typos.
6. Confirm the entry and wait for a notification of successful redemption. Enjoy your rewards!