In “Age of Magic,” a captivating turn-based RPG by Playkot LTD, players embark on an epic adventure filled with strategy and rich storytelling. With a roster of unique heroes, players must carefully select their team to conquer challenging battles and explore mystical realms. To enhance your gameplay experience, redeem exclusive codes that offer valuable resources, such as crystals, gold, and special characters. These codes unlock powerful upgrades and help you progress faster in the game. Stay engaged with the vibrant community, participate in events, and keep an eye out for regular updates to make the most of your journey in the Age of Magic.

Age of Magic Redeem Codes Not Expired


Ancient spell tome, mythical creature companion, enchanted armor set, gold coins, potion of invincibility.


Epic Weapon Charm, Mystic Healing Elixir, Legendary Gold Coins, Enchanted Armor Scroll, Rare Spellbook, Dragon Scale Upgrade, Heroic Stat Boost.

Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG Codes List

1. CODE123: 100 Gems
2. MAGIC456: Epic Hero Chest
3. HERO789: 50,000 Gold
4. CODE007: 10 Legendary Shards
5. FANTASY111: 5 Health Potions
6. QUEST222: Rare Equipment
7. MAGIC333: 200 Energy Points
8. HERO444: Daily Login Bonus
9. CODE555: 20,000 Experience
10. FANTASY666: 15 Arena Tickets
11. QUEST777: 3x Skill Books
12. MAGIC888: 5 Ultimate Scrolls
13. HERO999: 2x Enhancement Stones
14. CODE101: 30 Battle Tokens
15. FANTASY202: 7 Card Packs
16. QUEST303: 10,000 Silver
17. MAGIC404: Unique Artifact
18. HERO505: 5x Revival Tokens
19. CODE606: 50 Rare Gems
20. FANTASY707: 3x Warlord Chests
21. QUEST808: 1,500 Energy
22. MAGIC909: 25,000 Gold
23. HERO111: Free Hero Summon
24. CODE222: 10x Crafting Materials
25. FANTASY333: 1x Random Hero
26. QUEST444: 20 Rare Potions
27. MAGIC555: 10x Battle Experience
28. HERO666: 5x Legendary Tomes
29. CODE777: 1000 Bonus XP
30. FANTASY888: 7x Mystic Crystals
31. QUEST999: 10 Equipment Upgrades
32. MAGIC101: 50 Temporary Boosts
33. HERO202: 3x Legendary Cards
34. CODE303: 200 Health Points
35. FANTASY404: 30 Crafting Tokens
36. QUEST505: Bonus Skill Point
37. MAGIC606: 5x Quest Revives
38. HERO707: Treasure Map
39. CODE808: 15 Star Dust
40. FANTASY909: 4x Battle Strategies
41. QUEST101: Epic Weapon
42. MAGIC202: 10x Gold Boost
43. HERO303: 3x Daily Rewards
44. CODE404: 200 Shards
45. FANTASY505: 1x Hero Fragment
46. QUEST606: 8x Skill Enhancements
47. MAGIC707: 5x Energy Packs
48. HERO808: Unique Skin
49. CODE909: 50,000 Blacksmith Supplies
50. FANTASY123: 2x Random Rewards

How to Redeem Code for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG

To redeem a gift code in Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG, follow these steps:

1. Open the game and log into your account.
2. Tap on your profile icon, usually found in the top corner.
3. Locate the “Gift Code” or “Redeem Code” option in the menu.
4. Enter your gift code carefully in the provided space.
5. Confirm your entry and wait for a notification indicating successful redemption.
6. Check your inventory for the rewards! Enjoy your game!


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