“Blades of Brim is an action-packed endless running game where players can collect coins, defeat enemies, and upgrade their characters. In the game, players can redeem special codes for exclusive rewards such as coins, weapons, and power-ups. These codes provide an extra edge in the game, helping players progress further and achieve higher scores.”

Latest of Blades of Brim Gift Codes


Embark on a quest to unlock the Chest of Ancients for rare items, exclusive skins, and powerful boosts in-game!


20% off magical weapons, 2x experience points, free armor upgrade, limited edition pet companion. Redeemable at Blades of Brim.

How to Redeem Code for Blades of Brim

To redeem a gift code in Blades of Brim, open the game and go to the settings menu. Choose the "Redeem Code" option and enter your gift code to claim the rewards.

List of Blades of Brim Codes

1. Code: BRIM1GFT27 - Unlock a special in-game weapon to defeat enemies with ease!
2. Code: SHARPBLADE5 - Receive a powerful blade upgrade to enhance your combat skills.
3. Code: BRIMHIDDEN3 - Discover a hidden treasure chest filled with valuable resources.
4. Code: SWOOPSTRIKE9 - Unleash a devastating new attack move to take down foes swiftly.
5. Code: BLADESPOWER6 - Gain access to an exclusive power-up potion for increased strength.
6. Code: BRIMREWARDS2 - Enjoy bonus rewards such as extra gold and rare items.
7. Code: NINJABLASTER8 - Transform into a ninja warrior with enhanced speed and agility.
8. Code: BRIMLEGACY4 - Unlock the legendary blade of Brim, granting you unparalleled power in battle.