Embark on an epic adventure with Call of Dragons, a thrilling mobile game published by FARLIGHT. In this fantastical world, players can immerse themselves in the realm of dragons, harnessing their power to conquer foes and complete daring quests. But amidst the chaos, the game upholds a set of codes that every player must abide by. Integrity, valor, and teamwork are paramount in the Call of Dragons community. Whether you’re a seasoned warrior or a novice adventurer, respecting these codes ensures a fair and rewarding experience for all. So grab your sword, mount your dragon, and prepare to soar to new heights in Call of Dragons.

Latest of Call of Dragons Promo Codes

wgJIijNrXXX Get

“Enchanted dragon armor, mystical potion of fire-breath, gold dragon scale shield, ancient tome of dragon spells, dragon egg pendant.”

W7CcTaw1XXX Get

“Double experience points, epic loot drop, rare dragon companion, unlimited gold, exclusive armor set – all for the taking!”

List of Call of Dragons Codes

1. C4LDRG5N20: Dragon Slayer Armor
2. DR4G0N10: Fire-breathing Dragon Staff
3. SCALED13ST: Enchanted Dragon Scale Shield
4. WYVRNBL4DE: Wyvern Wing Blade
5. DRAG0NSH0T: Dragon's Breath Bow
6. FL4MEDR4KE: Flaming Drake Helm
7. R3D_DR4G0N: Ruby Dragon Amulet
8. FROSTF1RE: Frostfire Dragon Pendant
9. DR4GONLORD: Dragon Lord's Crown
10. M4G3ST1CDR4: Majestic Dragon Statue
11. DR4K0NY4L: Royal Dragon Medallion
12. DR4GONH0ARDE: Dragon Hoard Treasure Chest
13. DR4CONT4L3: Dragon Consort Talisman
14. DR4K3BL4ZE: Drake's Blaze Gauntlets
15. DR4GONR34CH: Dragon's Reach Orb
16. L3G3ND4RYDR4: Legendary Dragon Relic
17. DR4C0N1C4L: Draconical War Horn
18. 4RC4N3SC4L3: Arcane Dragon Scale Cloak
19. DR4G0NBORN: Dragonborn Talon Necklace
20. FL1GHT0FDR4: Flight of Dragons Tapestry

How to Redeem Code for Call of Dragons

To redeem a gift code in Call of Dragons, first launch the game and navigate to the settings menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option and click on it. Enter the gift code in the designated field and click "Redeem". If the code is valid, you will receive the corresponding rewards instantly. Make sure to enter the code accurately to avoid any errors. Enjoy your in-game rewards and make the most out of your gift code!