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Castorama Coupon Code List
1. **CASTO2024SAVE** - 20% off any purchase above $100
2. **BUILDWITHCASTO** - 15% off your first DIY project
3. **GARDENJOY25** - Free garden tools with any plant purchase
4. **HOMEIMP20** - $20 off home improvement products
5. **COLORYOURSPACE** - Buy one paint, get one 50% off
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7. **REMODEL2024** - 10% off select kitchen remodel items
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9. **DREAMHOME10** - $10 off your next online order
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11. **CLEANANDGREEN** - Free cleaning supplies with purchases of eco-friendly paint
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13. **BATHBLISS** - $30 off any bathroom renovation items
14. **STYLEUPHOME** - 10% off home décor items
15. **SMARTSAVE20** - 20% off energy-efficient products
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26. **NIGHTNICE** - Free nightlights with any bedroom purchase
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29. **CREATE&MORE** - Buy two craft items, get one free
30. **DIYDREAMS** - 10% off workshop fees
31. **ECOCASTO** - $5 off any eco-friendly products
How to Redeem Promo Code in Castorama
To redeem a promo code at Castorama, follow these simple steps:
1. Visit the Castorama website or app and browse for items you wish to purchase.
2. Add the desired products to your shopping cart.
3. Go to your cart and look for the promo code or discount code field.
4. Enter your promo code exactly as provided and click "Apply" or "Redeem."
5. Ensure the discount is reflected in your total before proceeding to checkout.
6. Complete your purchase as instructed. Enjoy your savings!