Champions of Avan is a fantasy strategy RPG with a great atmosphere. Here you have to play the role of the leader of a small village, which is hidden in the far corners of the land of Rockmayer. Under your careful guidance, this initially small settlement can grow to an impressive size and become a majestic city!

Latest of Champions of Avan Codes


Initially, the game will have only a few buildings at your disposal and limited resources. But this is enough to establish and increase the extraction of minerals, provisions, and all the necessary materials. To do this, you will need to explore all nearby territories, find sources of resources there and thereby replenish your supplies. Then, use everything you managed to get to upgrade your structures, improve the lives of the settlement’s inhabitants, and gradually expand your territory.


Of course, her,e you can’t do without ill-wisher; enemiess will periodically attack youtoo take away everything of value and seize territory. Therefore, it is worth training strong and hardy soldier ands creating the best armor and weapons for them. In addition, you will need to deal with tactical matterstoo have an advantage over the enemy!

How to Redeem Code for Champions of Avan - Idle RPG

To redeem a gift code in Champions of Avan - Idle RPG, first open the game and locate the settings menu. Click on the "Redeem Code" button and enter your unique gift code. Ensure the code is entered correctly without any spaces or errors. Click on the "Redeem" button to validate the code. Upon successful redemption, you will receive your rewards instantly in the game. Enjoy your gifts and use them to enhance your gameplay experience in Champions of Avan - Idle RPG!

List of Champions of Avan - Idle RPG Codes

1. Code: AVAN1234
Description: Unlocks a special weapon for your champion in Champions of Avan.
2. Code: RPGGIFT
Description: Grants exclusive in-game currency to help you progress faster in Champions of Avan.
Description: Unlocks a legendary champion skin to customize your hero in Champions of Avan.
Description: Provides a boost to your champion's stats for the next battle in Champions of Avan.
Description: Reveals a hidden treasure chest filled with rare items for your champion in Champions of Avan.
6. Code: XPBOOST
Description: Increases your champion's experience points gained for a limited time in Champions of Avan.
Description: Gives you a significant amount of gold to spend on upgrades in Champions of Avan.
8. Code: VICTORY
Description: Grants you a special victory pose for your champion to show off in Champions of Avan.


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