Embark on an epic journey in Chaos: Immortal Era, a thrilling mobile RPG from Kuukigame. Explore a world filled with chaos and magic, where immortality beckons and challenges await. Unleash your power, forge alliances, and conquer foes in fierce battles. Use strategic codes to unlock new adventures and rewards. Are you ready to embrace the chaos and become immortal?

Latest of Chaos: Immortal Era Codes Wiki


– A magical amulet granting unlimited power
– An enchanted sword with unstoppable strength
– A secret map to hidden treasures


“Receive 50% off all magical potions, a free legendary weapon upgrade, or a dragon mount rental for a week!”

How to Redeem Code for Chaos: Immortal Era

To redeem a gift code in Chaos: Immortal Era, open the game and navigate to the settings menu. Click on the "Redeem Code" option and enter the code. Confirm to receive your rewards.

List of Chaos: Immortal Era Codes

1. Code: CHAOS1234GIFT - Unlock powerful artifacts in Chaos: Immortal Era!
2. Code: IMMORTALGIFT2021 - Receive exclusive rewards and boosts in Chaos: Immortal Era!
3. Code: ERAOFGIFTS987 - Claim rare items and gear for your character in Chaos: Immortal Era!
4. Code: CHAOSISHERE2022 - Access special in-game events and bonuses in Chaos: Immortal Era!
5. Code: IMMORTALGIFTPACK - Enhance your gameplay with unique items in Chaos: Immortal Era!
6. Code: CHAOSRISING2000 - Level up faster with this exclusive gift code for Chaos: Immortal Era!
7. Code: ETERNALGIFT666 - Unleash the true power of your character with this gift in Chaos: Immortal Era!
8. Code: CHAOSLEGACY888 - Embark on epic quests with extra resources and perks in Chaos: Immortal Era!