In “Death Park 2: Horror Clown,” players must navigate a terrifying world filled with mystery and fright. Developed by Euphoria Horror Games, this thrilling sequel invites players to explore a dark amusement park haunted by a sinister clown. To enhance your gameplay experience, you can unlock various features and items using special codes. These codes can provide advantages such as unique skins, powerful upgrades, or additional clues to solve challenging puzzles. Remember, the clown is always lurking, so staying one step ahead is crucial. Dive into the chilling atmosphere of “Death Park 2” and use these codes to survive the horror that awaits!

Death Park 2: Scary Clown Survival Horror Game Codes Wiki Not Expired


3 Phantom Masks, granting invisibility for 10 seconds; 5 Vials of Shadow Mist, enhancing speed by 30% for 15 seconds; 2 Cursed Amulets, providing protection from all damage for 20 seconds but increasing fear levels.


**Coupon Reward:** 3 Health Potions, 2 Shadow Cloaks, 5 Surprise Fireworks

**Effects:** Restore 15% health, become invisible for 30 seconds, and distract enemies with dazzling lights. Dive into the chaos of Death Park 2 and use these rewards to outsmart the terrifying horror clown lurking in the shadows!

Death Park 2: Horror Clown Codes List

1. GIFT30: 500 Tokens
2. CLOWNPOWER: Free Skins
3. DARKNIGHT: 300 Coins
4. FRIGHTENING: Speed Boost
5. PARKFUN: 2x XP Boost
6. HAUNTEDHOUSE: Exclusive Character
7. SCARYMOMENTS: 100 Tokens
9. NIGHTMARE: Free Character Skin
10. CLOWNDAY: 150 Coins
11. SPOOKYTIME: Power-Up Pack
12. JOKER: 200 Tokens
13. ESCAPEARTIST: Random Unique Item
14. GHOSTLYWHISPERS: 5 Health Packs
15. DARKCIRCUS: 1 Free Revive
16. MYSTERYBOX: 10x Coins
18. CIRCUS50: 50 Tokens
19. WICKEDCLOWN: 3x Game Boost
20. CLOWNJOY: Rare Skin
21. NIGHTSCREAM: 250 Coins
22. EERIEVIBES: 200 Tokens
23. TARZANCLUE: Extra Life
24. JUMPHALL: Free Muscle Boost
25. CHILLZONE: 100 Coins
26. CLAPFORCLONE: Halloween Special Pack
28. BLACKOUT: Exclusive Skin
29. REDBALLOON: 5 Power-ups
30. CLOWNEMOGI: Random Loot Box

How to redeem code for Death Park 2: Horror Clown

To redeem a gift code in Death Park 2: Horror Clown, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code carefully, ensuring no extra spaces. Confirm your entry, and your rewards will be credited to your account shortly thereafter. Enjoy!


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