Dungeon Warfare 2, published by Valsar, is a thrilling tower defense game that challenges players to strategically defend their dungeons against waves of enemies. To enhance the gameplay experience, Valsar has incorporated codes that unlock powerful abilities, special items, and unique features. These codes serve as a tool for players to customize their gameplay and overcome increasingly difficult challenges in the game. By utilizing these codes effectively, players can gain an edge over their foes and conquer the dungeons with finesse. Valsar’s commitment to providing engaging and dynamic gaming experiences is evident in the thoughtful inclusion of these codes, elevating the excitement and strategy of Dungeon Warfare 2.

Latest of Dungeon Warfare 2 Codes


“Winged Battle Axe of Eternal Flames, Crystal Shield of Invulnerability, Potion of Limitless Power – claim your rewards now!”


“+50% gold earnings, unlock special character class, instant level up, unlimited mana, rare loot drops x2”

List of Dungeon Warfare 2 Codes

1. DW2GIFT01: Legendary Sword of the Ancients
2. DW2GIFT02: Potion of Invisibility for 5 minutes
3. DW2GIFT03: Ring of Defense, granting +10 armor
4. DW2GIFT04: Scroll of Fireball, dealing 100 damage to all enemies
5. DW2GIFT05: Cloak of Shadows, granting +50% dodge chance
6. DW2GIFT06: Amulet of Life Steal, healing 10% of damage dealt
7. DW2GIFT07: Boots of Haste, increasing movement speed by 30%
8. DW2GIFT08: Gauntlet of Strength, granting +20% melee damage
9. DW2GIFT09: Orb of Elemental Mastery, allowing casting of all elements
10. DW2GIFT10: Scroll of Teleportation to a secret treasure room

11. DW2GIFT11: Enchanted Bow of Precision, +50% critical hit chance
12. DW2GIFT12: Staff of Restoration, healing all allies for 50 HP
13. DW2GIFT13: Helm of Intellect, +15% spell damage
14. DW2GIFT14: Tome of Knowledge, granting +1 skill point
15. DW2GIFT15: Shield of Reflection, reflecting 50% of incoming damage
16. DW2GIFT16: Ring of Regeneration, healing 5 HP per second
17. DW2GIFT17: Boots of the Scout, revealing hidden traps
18. DW2GIFT18: Cloak of Resistance, +20% resistance to all elements
19. DW2GIFT19: Pendant of Luck, increasing critical hit chance by 25%
20. DW2GIFT20: Scroll of Summoning, calling forth a powerful ally

21. DW2GIFT21: Blade of the Assassin, granting +50% backstab damage
22. DW2GIFT22: Crystal of Clarity, removing all debuffs
23. DW2GIFT23: Elixir of Strength, doubling melee damage for 10 seconds
24. DW2GIFT24: Scepter of Thunder, stunning all enemies in an area
25. DW2GIFT25: Circlet of Mana, +50% maximum mana
26. DW2GIFT26: Horn of Summoning, calling reinforcements to aid you
27. DW2GIFT27: Medallion of Protection, granting +30% damage reduction
28. DW2GIFT28: Vial of Venom, poisoning enemies for 10 seconds
29. DW2GIFT29: Orb of Telekinesis, moving objects and enemies with your mind

How to Redeem Code for Dungeon Warfare 2

To redeem a gift code in Dungeon Warfare 2, open the game and navigate to the options menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" button and click on it. Enter the gift code in the designated text box and click "Redeem" to activate it. The redeemed items or rewards will be added to your account. Remember to enter the code accurately to ensure successful redemption. Enjoy the benefits of your gift code in Dungeon Warfare 2 and enhance your gameplay experience.