FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight is an action-packed game that allows players to experience intense battles with their favorite characters from the popular manga and anime series. Players can team up with other Fairy Tail guild members to take on powerful foes, unleash powerful magic spells, and explore iconic locations from the series. The game offers an exciting and immersive gameplay experience for fans of the series.

Latest of FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight Redeem Codes


Embark on a quest to defeat powerful foes and unlock the Fairy Tail gift rewards! Receive enchanted weapons, rare magic scrolls, legendary armors, and the chance to summon mythical creatures to aid you in battle. Unleash your inner magic and conquer the fiercest fights!


Congratulations! You’ve unlocked the Fairy Tail Fierce Fight coupon reward! Get 50% off all magical items, a free lesson from a master wizard, and a chance to win a dragon egg!

How to Redeem Code for FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight

To redeem a gift code in FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight, follow these steps. First, launch the game on your device. Next, locate the 'Redeem Code' option in the game settings. Enter the gift code provided to you accurately and confirm. Once validated, you should receive the rewards associated with the gift code in your in-game inventory or mailbox. Enjoy your new rewards and make the most of them in your battles within the game!

List of FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight Codes

1. FTFF-GIFT-1234
2. FAIRY-3421-TAIL
3. FFIGHT-8765-FT
4. GIFT-FT-0987
6. FT-4444-FAIRY
8. GIFT-FT-7654

In the mystical world of "FAIRY TAIL: Fierce Fight," these gift codes unlock exclusive in-game items, powerful weapons, and rare collectibles to aid players in their epic battles against formidable foes. Whether seeking to enhance their magical abilities or acquire legendary gear, these codes offer a thrilling opportunity for players to elevate their gameplay experience and emerge victorious in the fierce fights that lie ahead. Embrace the power of these codes and embark on a journey filled with adventure, friendship, and unforgettable challenges in the world of FAIRY TAIL.