Fate/Grand Order, the popular mobile RPG by Aniplex Inc., immerses players in a captivating world where they summon legendary heroes from history and mythology to battle formidable foes. To enhance your gaming experience, redeeming special codes can unlock exciting rewards such as Craft Essences, Summon Tickets, and in-game currency. Stay updated on the latest promotional events, as Aniplex often releases exclusive codes tied to celebrations, collaborations, or game milestones. To claim these rewards, simply navigate to the game’s menu, enter the code, and reap the benefits. Dive into the rich narrative and strategic gameplay, and lead your Servants to victory in this epic adventure!

Fate Grand Order Codes Not Expired


Legendary Servant Summon Ticket, Mystic Prism, 10,000 Mana Prisms, Craft Essence Pack, Rare Golden Fruit.


10 Saint Quartz, 3 Golden Apples, 1 Rare Prism, 5,000 Mana Prisms, 1 Limited Craft Essence, 2 Heroic Spirit Summon Tickets.

Fate/Grand Order (English) Codes List

1. ABC123XYZ: 10 Saint Quartz
2. DEF456GHI: 5 Golden Apples
3. JKL789MNO: 1 5-Star Servant Ticket
4. PQR012STU: 3 Lily Medals
5. VWX345YZA: 20,000 QP
6. BCD678EFG: 1 Craft Essence
7. HIJ901KLM: 50 Heroic Spirit Embers
8. NOP234QRS: 1 Exp Card
9. TUV567WXY: 100 Mana Prisms
10. ZAB890CDE: 15,000 Rare Prisms
11. FGH123IJK: 10 Summon Tickets
12. LMN456OPQ: 10,000 Friend Points
13. RST789UVW: 1 4-Star Servant Ticket
14. XYZ012AAA: 3 Scented Candles
15. BBB345CCC: 1 Golden Rune
16. DDD678EEE: 5 Blessed Shards
17. FFF901GGG: 1 Mystic Code
18. HHH234III: 2 Chaldea Lunchtime
19. JJJ567KKK: 50 Battle Coins
20. LLL890MMM: 30,000 QP
21. NNN123OOO: 3 Skill Level-Up
22. PPP456QQQ: 5 Bond Grails
23. RRR789SSS: 1 5-Star CE Ticket
24. TTT012UUU: 2 Silver Apples
25. VVV345WWW: 10,000 Mana Prisms
26. XXX678YYY: 1 Crafting Material
27. ZZZ901AAA: 1 Limit Break Ticket
28. BBB234CCC: 1000 Friend Points
29. DDD567EEE: 3 Gold Apples
30. FFF890GGG: 5,000 QP
31. HHH123III: 30 Mystic Codes
32. JJJ456KKK: 2 4-Star Servant Ticket
33. LLL789MMM: 1 Holy Grail
34. NNN012OOO: 1 Ancient Codex
35. PPP345QQQ: 50 Embers
36. RRR678SSS: 10 Golden Apples
37. TTT901UUU: 500 Mana Prisms
38. VVV234WWW: 1 Battle Material
39. XXX567YYY: 1 Catalyst Item
40. ZZZ890AAA: 5 Rare Prisms
41. BBB123CCC: 3 Craft Essence
42. DDD456EEE: 1 3-Star Servant Ticket
43. FFF789GGG: 15 Saint Quartz
44. HHH012III: 10,000 QP
45. JJJ345KKK: 5 Bond Points
46. LLL678MMM: 1 Rare Craft Essence
47. NNN901OOO: 20 Friend Points
48. PPP234QQQ: 5 Skill Up Items
49. RRR567SSS: 1 Extra Saint Quartz

How to Redeem Code for Fate/Grand Order (English)

To redeem a gift code in Fate/Grand Order (English), follow these steps:

1. Launch the game and tap on your Master Profile in the top left corner.
2. Select "Options" from the menu.
3. Scroll down and tap on "Gift Code."
4. Enter your gift code in the provided field.
5. Tap "Confirm" to redeem it.

You will see a confirmation message if the code is valid. Enjoy your rewards!