“炎炎ノ消防隊 炎舞ノ章” is a thrilling manga series that follows the brave firefighters of Special Fire Force Company 8 as they battle infernal creatures known as Infernals. In partnership with publisher X-VERSE INC., fans can now unlock special codes that offer exclusive in-game content and merchandise related to the series. These codes provide access to unique character skins, powerful weapons, and behind-the-scenes footage. By redeeming these codes, fans can immerse themselves further into the world of “炎炎ノ消防隊 炎舞ノ章” and support their favorite characters in their fight against the flames. Stay tuned for more updates and new code releases from X-VERSE INC.

Latest of Fire Force Game Codes

fn2ov6JtXXX Get

Enchanted dragon armor, eternal flame necklace, magical phoenix feather cloak, mystical fire sword, shimmering teleportation amulet.

tyVhCTkiXXX Get

50% off on enchanted armor, free resurrection potion, rare weapon upgrade, unlimited mana elixirs for a week, mythical pet egg.

List of 炎炎ノ消防隊 炎舞ノ章 Codes

1. KFJ4G2: Exclusive character skin
2. D83H5R: 1000 in-game coins
3. PLW9T1: Rare weapon upgrade
4. Q2A6XZ: Special emote
5. 7YUHA4: Double XP for 24 hours
6. L8P5A9: Mystery loot crate
7. TDB6SK: VIP access to new levels
8. RJF4U3: Legendary gear set
9. Z9S2KH: Limited edition avatar
10. W1E5G8: Ultra-rare mount
11. QHR6F2: Customized weapon skin
12. X7FT3L: Instant level up
13. I4ZA1Q: Bonus energy boost
14. N8DH4P: In-game currency bundle
15. P9G6JR: Enhanced character abilities
16. O5F6SA: Golden loot chest
17. E2I9CF: Premium subscription
18. M3B8J2: Rare crafting materials
19. H7UQ9Z: Mystery pet companion
20. T8Z1YP: Unique title and badge
21. S6DF2A: Bonus skill points
22. A4HG6L: 50% discount on all purchases
23. W9PC4F: Exclusive developer chat access
24. K2J6WN: Special in-game event pass
25. Q8HF3G: Legendary weapon blueprint
26. V7RA4K: Customized player housing
27. U5TS9B: Limited-time power-up
28. R9GM2F: Rare cosmetic item
29. N1R8DK: Double loot drop rate
30. C3V9BH: Premium in-game soundtrack
31. L7DP2J: Bonus quest line
32. Z5F4UQ: Elite player mentorship
33. P2T8LW: Exclusive character backstory
34. B9SK6G: Bonus stash space
35. I3Z7TM: Instant respawn token
36. O8DF5P: Rare mount skin
37. E6X2NS: 24-hour game time boost
38. H4T7KP: Mystery boss encounter
39. M9JA5R: Top player leaderboard recognition

How to Redeem Code for 炎炎ノ消防隊 炎舞ノ章

To redeem a gift code in "炎炎ノ消防隊 炎舞ノ章," first, locate the "Redeem Code" option in the game's menu. Enter the gift code provided to you, making sure to input all characters accurately. Confirm the code and wait for the game to process it. Once the gift code is successfully redeemed, you should receive the corresponding rewards or items associated with the code. Enjoy your rewards and continue playing the game with added benefits!


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