“Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming” is an immersive strategy game developed by Yoozoo (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. Set in the iconic Westeros, players take on the roles of various houses, forging alliances, engaging in epic battles, and managing resources. With intricate gameplay and stunning graphics, the game captures the essence of George R.R. Martin’s universe.

The “M codes” from Yoozoo add an exciting layer, providing players with special bonuses, exclusive items, or unique characters. Engaging in quests and conquering regions allows players to build their own legacy in the Seven Kingdoms. As winter approaches, only the strongest will survive. Will you rise to power? Embrace the challenge!

GOT: Winter is Coming M Gift Codes Not Expired


Ancient rune stone, enchanted cloak of invisibility, silver dagger with dragon engraving, healing potion of rejuvenation.


Mystic sword, enchanted cloak, 1000 gold coins, dragon egg, ancient spellbook, loyal direwolf, teleportation crystal, healing potion, and rare gemstone!

GOT: Winter is Coming M Codes List

1. ABCD-1234: 500 Gold
2. EFGH-5678: 300 Wood
3. IJKL-9101: 200 Food
4. MNOP-2345: 100 Iron
5. QRST-6789: 50 Silver
6. UVWX-0123: 5 Gems
7. YZAB-4567: 200 Experience
8. CDEF-8901: 1 Hero Token
9. GHIJ-2345: 150 Stone
10. JKLM-6789: 10 Training Scrolls
11. NOPQ-0123: 1 Random Equipment
12. RSTU-4567: 500 Influence
13. VWXY-8901: 10 Energy Potions
14. ZABC-2345: 5 Battle Tokens
15. DEFG-6789: 2 Daily Chests
16. HIJK-0123: 300 Resources
17. LMNOP-4567: 1 Rare Hero
18. QRST-8901: 1000 Gold
19. UVWX-2345: 2 Free Spins
20. YZAB-6789: 75 Food
21. CDEF-0123: 300 Wood
22. GHIJ-4567: 100 Experience
23. JKLM-8901: 1 Shield
24. NOPQ-2345: 150 Iron
25. RSTU-6789: 10 Gems
26. VWXY-0123: 5 Hourglass
27. ZABC-4567: 1 Premium Outfit
28. DEFG-8901: 50 Silver
29. HIJK-2345: 250 Food
30. LMNOP-6789: 10 Wall Upgrades
31. QRST-0123: 3 Random Resources
32. UVWX-4567: 500 Influence
33. YZAB-8901: 200 Experience
34. CDEF-2345: 2 Hero Tokens
35. GHIJ-6789: 1 Wildcard
36. JKLM-0123: 1000 Gold
37. NOPQ-4567: 5 War Tokens
38. RSTU-8901: 150 Stone
39. VWXY-2345: 10 Crafting Materials
40. ZABC-6789: 3 Legendary Cards
41. DEFG-0123: 500 Wood
42. HIJK-4567: 2 Premium Chests
43. LMNOP-8901: 1 Battle Buff
44. QRST-2345: 100 Silver
45. UVWX-6789: 1 Complete Set
46. YZAB-0123: 5 Extra Attempts
47. CDEF-4567: 300 Resources
48. GHIJ-8901: 10 Skills Points
49. JKLM-2345: 2 Completion Tokens
50. NOPQ-6789: 1 Ultimate Reward

How to Redeem Code for GOT: Winter is Coming M

To redeem a gift code in "Game of Thrones: Winter is Coming," follow these steps:

1. Launch the game and log into your account.
2. Tap on your profile icon or settings menu.
3. Look for the "Redeem Code" option and select it.
4. Enter your gift code carefully and ensure it’s correct.
5. Confirm the redemption by clicking the relevant button.

You should see a confirmation message, and the rewards will be added to your account shortly. Enjoy!


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