Togglegear, the publisher behind the popular game Hexonia, takes pride in upholding a strict code of ethics that holds paramount importance in the gaming industry. The Hexonia codes promote a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for all players, emphasizing principles of respect, integrity, and sportsmanship. Togglegear is committed to providing a platform that encourages skill development, strategic thinking, and healthy competition among its players. With a dedication to continuous improvement and innovation, Togglegear ensures that the Hexonia codes are upheld at all times, creating a community that fosters camaraderie and positivity. Join the Hexonia community and experience gaming at its finest with Togglegear.

Latest of Hexonia Gift Codes


‘Eternal Crystal Sword, Phoenix Feather Cloak, Dragon Scale Armor, Mystic Orb of Time, Celestial Wings of Light’

FT9xR4tfXXX Get

“50% off a legendary weapon, free horse companion, double experience points boost, unlimited teleportation scrolls, exclusive spellbook.”

List of Hexonia Codes

1. ABCD1234: 50 Gems
2. EFGH5678: 100 Gold
3. IJKL9012: Rare Hero Card
4. MNOP3456: 200 Diamonds
5. QRST7890: Legendary Weapon
6. UVWX1234: 75 Gems
7. YZAB5678: 150 Gold
8. CDEF9012: Epic Hero Card
9. GHIJ3456: 300 Diamonds
10. KLMN7890: Ancient Coin Pack
11. OPQR1234: 100 Gems
12. STUV5678: 200 Gold
13. WXYZ9012: Hero Skin
14. BCDE3456: 400 Diamonds
15. FGHI7890: Mythical Weapon
16. JKLM1234: 125 Gems
17. NOPQ5678: 250 Gold
18. RSTU9012: Special Mount
19. VWXY3456: 500 Diamonds
20. ZABC7890: Legendary Armor

21. CDEF1234: 150 Gems
22. GHIJ5678: 300 Gold
23. KLMN9012: Elite Hero Card
24. OPQR3456: 600 Diamonds
25. STUV7890: Divine Weapon
26. WXYZ1234: 175 Gems
27. BCDE5678: 350 Gold
28. FGHI9012: Rare Hero Skin
29. JKLM3456: 700 Diamonds
30. NOPQ7890: Mythical Shield

How to Redeem Code for Hexonia

To redeem a gift code in Hexonia, open the game and locate the settings menu. Look for an option that says "Redeem Code" or something similar. Enter the gift code provided to you in the appropriate field and click on the redeem button. If the code is valid, you will receive the corresponding reward in-game. Make sure you enter the code accurately to avoid any errors. Enjoy your rewards and have fun playing Hexonia!