Honkai: Star Rail, developed by COGNOSPHERE PTE. LTD., offers players a captivating universe filled with exciting adventures. To enhance your gameplay, the developers frequently release special codes that provide rewards such as resources, in-game currency, and exclusive items. Players can redeem these codes to gain a competitive edge in battles or to unlock new characters and upgrades. Keep an eye on official social media channels and community forums for the latest codes, as they often have expiration dates. Joining the game’s vibrant community will keep you updated on all the thrilling events and giveaways. Dive into the action, and don’t miss out on these beneficial rewards!

Honkai: Star Rail Promo Codes Not Expired


5 Stellar Dust, 3 Celestial Crystals, 2 Ether Shards, 10 Harmony Seeds, 1 Celestial Artifact: Grants +10% damage for 3 battles, restores 15% of health after each encounter, and boosts team morale for 2 turns.


**Coupon Reward: 5 Stellarons, 3 Rare Relics, 10,000 Credits** – Unlocks a chance to enhance your character’s abilities, boosts your equipment power, and provides a substantial credit influx for future upgrades. Venture forth with newfound strength and precision in your quest through the universe of Honkai: Star Rail!

Honkai: Star Rail Codes List

1. A1B2C3D4: Stellar Jade x50
2. E5F6G7H8: Light Cone x1
3. I9J0K1L2: Trailblazer's Essence x100
4. M3N4O5P6: Warp Trotter x5
5. Q7R8S9T0: Relic Upgrade Material x10
6. U1V2W3X4: Gold x2000
7. Y5Z6A7B8: Character Ascension Material x20
8. C9D0E1F2: Small EXP Potion x15
9. G3H4I5J6: Stellarons x3
10. K7L8M9N0: Gold x500
11. O1P2Q3R4: Light Cone Level-Up Material x5
12. S5T6U7V8: Warp Trotter x10
13. W9X0Y1Z2: Adventure Log x10
14. B3C4D5E6: Trailblazer's Essence x50
15. F7G8H9I0: Rare Fabric x10
16. J1K2L3M4: COND. Relic Fragments x5
17. N5O6P7Q8: 3-Star Character x1
18. R9S0T1U2: Stellar Jade x100
19. V3W4X5Y6: Random Relic x1
20. Z7A8B9C0: Light Cone x1
21. D1E2F3G4: Gold x1000
22. H5I6J7K8: EXP Boost x2
23. L9M0N1O2: Novice-Grade Relics x5
24. P3Q4R5S6: Character Ascension Material x15
25. T7U8V9W0: Stellar Jade x75
26. X1Y2Z3A4: Daily Missions x5
27. B5C6D7E8: Warp Trotter x15
28. F9G0H1I2: Stellarons x2
29. J3K4L5M6: Small EXP Potion x30
30. N7O8P9Q0: Character Level-Up Material x10
31. R1S2T3U4: Gold x1500
32. V5W6X7Y8: Adventure Log x5

How to redeem code for Honkai: Star Rail

To redeem a gift code in Honkai: Star Rail, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Tap on your profile icon, then select "Redeem Code." Enter the code carefully in the provided field and confirm. Rewards will be sent to your in-game mailbox shortly after redemption.


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