Looking for an advantage in Idle Farm: Harvest Empire? Unlock exclusive rewards with codes from publisher BoomBit Games! With these codes, you can fast-track your progress, gather resources, and upgrade your farm in no time. Stay ahead of the competition and become the ultimate farm tycoon with these special bonuses. Whether it’s free coins, extra boosts, or rare items, these codes will give you the edge you need to dominate the farming world. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your gameplay and experience all that Idle Farm: Harvest Empire has to offer. Input the codes now and reap the rewards!

Latest of Idle Farm: Harvest Empire Codes Wiki

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Ancient dragon egg, enchanted crop seeds, magical fertilizer, golden plow, everlasting water bucket, flying scarecrow, rare harvest talisman.


“Double crop yield, instant harvest, unlimited water supply, fairy helpers, golden seeds, enchanted tools, mystical fertilizer, gemstone sprinklers.”

List of Idle Farm: Harvest Empire Codes

1. ABCD1234: 100 coins
2. XY56Z78: 50 gems
3. QWERTY99: 200 seeds
4. 789HJKL: 75 fertilizer
5. MNPQ11R: 150 coins
6. OPSTU22: 100 gems
7. UV45WX6: 250 seeds
8. YZ7890A: 125 fertilizer
9. BCDE111: 300 coins
10. FGHI222: 150 gems
11. JKLM333: 350 seeds
12. NOPQ444: 175 fertilizer
13. RSTU555: 400 coins
14. VWXY666: 200 gems
15. Z789AB7: 450 seeds
16. CDEF888: 200 fertilizer
17. GHIJ999: 500 coins
18. KLMN000: 250 gems
19. OPQR111: 550 seeds
20. STUV222: 300 fertilizer
21. WXYZ333: 600 coins
22. 111ABC4: 300 gems
23. 222DEF5: 650 seeds
24. 333GHI6: 350 fertilizer
25. 444JKL7: 700 coins
26. 555MNO8: 400 gems
27. 666PQR9: 750 seeds
28. 777STU0: 400 fertilizer
29. 888VWX1: 800 coins
30. 999YZA2: 450 gems
31. 000BCD3: 850 seeds
32. 111EFG4: 450 fertilizer
33. 222GHI5: 900 coins
34. 333JKL6: 500 gems
35. 444MNO7: 950 seeds
36. 555PQR8: 500 fertilizer
37. 666STU9: 1000 coins
38. 777VWX0: 550 gems
39. 888YZA1: 1050 seeds
40. 999BCD2: 550 fertilizer
41. 000EFG3: 1100 coins
42. 111GHI4: 600 gems
43. 222JKL5: 1150 seeds
44. 333MNO6: 600 fertilizer
45. 444PQR7: 1200 coins
46. 555STU8: 650 gems
47. 666VWX9: 1250 seeds
48. 777YZA0: 650 fertilizer
49. 888BCD1: 1300 coins
50. 999EFG2: 700 gems
51. 000GHI3: 1350 seeds
52. 111JKL4: 700 fertilizer
53. 222MNO5: 1400 coins
54. 333PQR6: 750 gems
55. 444STU7: 1450 seeds

How to Redeem Code for Idle Farm: Harvest Empire

To redeem a gift code in Idle Farm: Harvest Empire, open the game and navigate to the settings menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option and tap on it. Enter the gift code in the designated field and click on the "Redeem" button. If the code is valid, you will receive your reward instantly. Enjoy your gifts and use them to progress and expand your farm in Idle Farm: Harvest Empire!


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