“Cradle of Maya: Island Odyssey,” published by Awem Games Limited, invites players on an enchanting journey through the mystical world of the ancient Maya civilization. As you explore lush islands and uncover hidden secrets, you’ll encounter challenging puzzles, mesmerizing landscapes, and engaging quests. The game’s captivating graphics and immersive soundtrack enhance the experience, making every moment magical. Additionally, players can unlock special codes for exclusive rewards, enhancing gameplay and providing unique in-game items. Collaborate with friends, solve intricate mysteries, and dive deep into the rich history of the Maya. Ready for adventure? Embrace the journey and uncover the treasures that await in this extraordinary odyssey!
Impossible Island Codes Not Expired
Ancient artifact, shimmering seashell, enchanted map, mystical compass, tropical fruit basket, spellbinding seaspray potion.
Transcendent Treasure Chest, Enchanted Jungle Compass, Mystic Creature Companion – embark on your journey with unique rewards in Cradle of Maya!
Cradle of Maya: Island Odyssey Codes List
1. ABCD-1234: 100 Gems
2. EFGH-5678: 50 Gold
3. IJKL-9101: 5 Health Potions
4. MNOP-1121: 200 Food
5. QRST-3141: 10 XP Boosts
6. UVWX-5161: Rare Artifact
7. YZAB-7181: 150 Gems
8. CDEF-9202: 100 Gold
9. GHJK-2233: 3 Map Fragments
10. LMNO-4455: 500 Wood
11. PQRS-6677: 2 Rare Creatures
12. TUVW-8899: 7 Treasure Chests
13. XYZA-0001: 250 Food
14. BCDE-2222: 5 Energy Drinks
15. FGHI-4444: 1 Epic Weapon
16. JKLM-6666: 300 Gems
17. NOPQ-8888: 20 Health Potions
18. RSTU-9999: 15 XP Boosts
19. VWXY-1235: 10 Rare Resources
20. YZAB-2345: 400 Gold
21. CDEF-3456: 8 Sea Voyager Maps
22. GHJK-4567: 100 Wood
23. LMNO-5678: Legendary Artifact
24. PQRS-6789: 200 Gems
25. TUVW-7890: 5 Attack Boosts
26. XYZA-8901: 50 Food
27. BCDE-9012: 2 Unique Pets
28. FGHI-0123: 10 XP Boosts
29. JKLM-1234: 150 Gold
30. NOPQ-2345: 4 Health Elixirs
31. RSTU-3456: 60 Gems
32. VWXY-4567: 1 Rare Ship
33. YZAB-5678: 300 Food
34. CDEF-6789: 15 Wood
35. GHJK-7890: 5 Energy Potions
36. LMNO-8901: 12 Rare Stones
37. PQRS-9012: 2 Ancient Tomes
38. TUVW-0123: 250 Gems
39. XYZA-1234: 3 Map Pieces
40. BCDE-2345: 100 Gold
41. FGHI-3456: 8 Explorer Kits
42. JKLM-4567: 200 Gems
43. NOPQ-5678: 4 Mystic Puzzles
44. RSTU-6789: 6 Health Potions
45. VWXY-7890: 1 Legendary Ship
46. YZAB-8901: 500 Food
47. CDEF-9012: 10 Rare Weapons
48. GHJK-0123: 300 Gems
49. LMNO-1234: 25 Gold
50. PQRS-2345: 12 Crafting Materials
51. TUVW-3456: 2 Guardian Spirits
52. XYZA-4567: 7 Treasure Maps
53. BCDE-5678: 150 Food
54. FGHI-6789: 5 Skill Books
55. JKLM-7890: 10 Rare Artifacts
How to Redeem Code for Cradle of Maya: Island Odyssey
To redeem a gift code in Cradle of Maya: Island Odyssey, launch the game on your device. Navigate to the main menu and look for the “Settings” or “Account” tab. Within that menu, find the “Redeem Code” option. Enter your gift code carefully in the provided field and confirm your entry. If the code is valid, you will receive your rewards instantly. Enjoy your new in-game items and enhancements as you explore the vibrant world of Maya!