Land Arcana Gift Codes 2025 (SPGAME)

Last update December 19, 2024

“Land Arcana – ふしぎの大陸 – is an enchanting adventure that captivates players with its mystical world and immersive gameplay. Developed by SPGAME, this game combines elements of exploration, puzzle-solving, and strategic combat. Players delve into a richly crafted universe filled with intriguing characters, magical creatures, and hidden secrets waiting to be uncovered. With periodic updates offering fresh content and challenges, players can enjoy numerous engaging quests and events. Plus, redeeming exclusive codes enhances the experience, providing valuable in-game items and boosts. Dive into Land Arcana today, where every corner holds a new mystery and every decision shapes your journey in this fantastical land!”

Land Arcana Gift Codes Not Expired


2x Enchanted Elixirs, 1x Celestial Amulet (boosts magic by 10%), 3x Crystal Shards (enhance crafting abilities), 1x Rune of Time (allows for a one-time rewind in battle), and 5x Mystic Herbs (heal 50 HP).


Congratulations, adventurer! You’ve unlocked a magical coupon:

– 200 Crystal Shards for crafting rare items,
– 5 Arcane Elixirs to boost your spellcasting,
– 10 Mystic Seeds to grow legendary flora.

Claim your rewards and enhance your journey through Land Arcana!

Land Arcana-ふしぎの大陸- Codes List

1. A1B2C3: Rare Gemstone
2. D4E5F6: Magic Potion
3. G7H8I9: Enchanted Sword
4. J0K1L2: Healing Herb
5. M3N4O5: Mystic Scroll
6. P6Q7R8: Golden Key
7. S9T0U1: Dragon Egg
8. V2W3X4: Ancient Artifact
9. Y5Z6A7: Spellbook
10. B8C9D0: Silver Coin
11. E1F2G3: Warrior Shield
12. H4I5J6: Teleport Stone
13. K7L8M9: Unicorn Horn
14. N0O1P2: Time Crystal
15. Q3R4S5: Elf Bow
16. T6U7V8: Phoenix Feather
17. W9X0Y1: Battle Axe
18. Z2A3B4: Life Elixir
19. C5D6E7: Ice Staff
20. F8G9H0: Shadow Cloak
21. I1J2K3: Fire Gem
22. L4M5N6: Spirit Amulet
23. O7P8Q9: Dragon Scale
24. R0S1T2: Wind Charm
25. U3V4W5: Earth Gem
26. X6Y7Z8: Potion of Strength
27. A9B0C1: Necklace of Wisdom
28. D2E3F4: Ghost Lantern
29. G5H6I7: Rune Stone
30. J8K9L0: Thunder Ring
31. M1N2O3: Water Orb
32. P4Q5R6: Fang of the Beast
33. S7T8U9: Crusher Hammer
34. V0W1X2: Guardian Shield
35. Y3Z4A5: Emerald Brooch
36. B6C7D8: Star Pendant
37. E9F0G1: Light Bow
38. H2I3J4: Flame Cloak
39. K5L6M7: Crystal Staff
40. N8O9P0: Infinity Stone
41. Q1R2S3: Dreamcatcher
42. T4U5V6: Celestial Feather
43. W7X8Y9: Horizon Blade
44. Z0A1B2: Unicorn Bracelet
45. C3D4E5: Alchemist's Stone
46. F6G7H8: Knight's Gauntlet
47. I9J0K1: Phantom Mask

How to redeem code for Land Arcana-ふしぎの大陸-

To redeem a gift code in Land Arcana-ふしぎの大陸-, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Settings" or "Gift Code" option. Enter your code in the provided field and confirm. Your rewards should appear in your account shortly after the redemption. Enjoy your gifts!


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