Welcome to Lionheart Tactics, a strategic RPG game brought to you by Kongregate! Immerse yourself in a fantasy world filled with epic battles and heroic characters. To enhance your gameplay experience, we offer exclusive codes that unlock special rewards and bonuses. These codes provide a competitive edge and help you progress faster in the game. Stay connected with the Lionheart Tactics community to get access to the latest codes and updates. Join forces with other players, form alliances, and conquer the enemy together. Use your strategic skills to outsmart your opponents and lead your army to victory. It’s time to unleash the lionheart within you!

Latest of Lionheart Tactics Gift Codes


“Eternal sword of prowess, dragon mount to conquer, enchanted amulet of protection, summon elemental beast companion, rare mysterious potion.”

lHojyqwkXXX Get

“Double XP boost, rare hero summon, legendary weapon drop, free energy refill, exclusive costume unlock, mysterious treasure chest.”

List of Lionheart Tactics Codes

1. ABCD1234: 50 gold
2. EFGH5678: 100 gems
3. IJKL9101: Rare weapon
4. MNOP1213: 200 silver
5. QRST1415: 3 premium summon scrolls
6. UVWX1617: Epic armor
7. YZAB1819: 150 energy
8. CDEF2021: Legendary hero shard
9. GHIJ2223: 75 gems
10. KLMN2425: 500 gold
11. OPQR2627: Rare accessory
12. STUV2829: 250 silver
13. WXYZ3031: 5 premium summon scrolls
14. BCDE3233: Epic weapon
15. FGHI3435: 100 energy
16. JKLM3637: Legendary hero shard
17. NOPQ3839: 125 gems
18. RSTU4041: 750 gold
19. VWXY4243: Rare armor
20. ZABC4445: 300 silver
21. CDEF4647: 7 premium summon scrolls
22. GHIJ4849: Epic accessory
23. KLMN5051: 200 energy
24. OPQR5253: Legendary hero shard
25. STUV5455: 150 gems
26. WXYZ5657: 1000 gold
27. BCDE5859: Rare weapon
28. FGHI6061: 400 silver
29. JKLM6263: 10 premium summon scrolls
30. NOPQ6465: Epic armor
31. RSTU6667: 250 gems
32. VWXY6869: 1250 gold
33. ZABC7071: Legendary hero shard

How to Redeem Code for Lionheart Tactics

To redeem a gift code in Lionheart Tactics, open the game and navigate to the settings menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option and tap on it. Enter the gift code in the designated field and confirm to redeem it. The game will then automatically apply the gift code to your account, unlocking the associated rewards or items. Enjoy your bonuses and enhance your gameplay experience in Lionheart Tactics!